February 17, 2017

Ukrainian American Veterans meet at 69th annual national convention


Adam Yurkiw

Over 50 delegates gather around the newly elected national commander of the Ukrainian American Veterans.

CHICAGO – Ukrainian American Veterans Post 32 from Chicago hosted the 69th annual national UAV convention in mid-October. The two-day event included delegates’ meetings, bus tours for spouses, election of the 2016-2018 National Executive Board and a banquet with dinner and entertainment.

Outgoing National Commander Ihor Hron.

Outgoing National Commander Ihor Hron.

The convention meetings were conducted by National Commander Ihor Hron. The meetings included individual reports of activities by post commanders. National Executive Board (NEB) members gave updates on the status and fiscal health of the organization. Discussions were held on internal matters and unique issues or successful programs found at each post. Over 50 delegates from 20 posts attended.

National Commander Peter Bencak during the convention festivities.

National Commander Peter Bencak during the convention festivities.

The highlight of the convention was the election of a new UAV leadership. The delegates elected the following veterans to fill these posts: Peter Bencak, national commander; Matthew Wroblewski, vice-commander; John Steciw, adjutant; Jerry Kindrachuk, finance officer; Michael Hrycak, judge advocate; Stephen Kostecki, quartermaster; Marian Bojsiuk, service officer/chaplain; Roman Stefaniuk, welfare officer; Nicholas Skirka, scholarship officer; Edward A. Zetick, historian; Bohdan Dudycz, PR/publications officer; Mathew Koziak, monument officer; Ihor W. Hron, immediate past national commander; Anna Krawczuk, UAV National Registry; and Joe Nasevich, webmaster. UAV state commanders are: Peter Polnyj, New York; Ihor Rudko, Connecticut; and Michael P. Hrycak, New Jersey.

The convention concluded with a banquet marked by military symbolism, best wishes from guests and a wonderful evening of entertainment and dancing.

Newly elected National Executive Board members take the oath of office.

Newly elected National Executive Board members take the oath of office.

The 2016-2018 UAV National Executive Board with the new national commander, Peter Bencak (front row, center).

The 2016-2018 UAV National Executive Board with the new national commander, Peter Bencak (front row, center).

Bohdan Dudycz is PR/publications officer of the Ukrainian American Veterans.