July 29, 2016

Ukrainian Cabinet appoints Ulana Suprun as acting health minister


KYIV – Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers on July 27 appointed Deputy Minister of Health Ulana Suprun as the acting health minister.

On July 12, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had met with the physician, volunteer and director of humanitarian initiatives at the Ukrainian World Congress, Dr. Suprun, and asked her to become deputy minister of health of Ukraine.

On July 22, the Cabinet of Ministers appointed Dr. Suprun as deputy health minister.

Dr. Suprun is an American of Ukrainian descent. Since the fall of 2013, she has lived in Ukraine. During the events of the Revolution of National Dignity she worked in a medical service. In 2014 she became head of the humanitarian initiatives of the Ukrainian World Congress.

In 2014 she founded the Patriot Defence organization, which holds training for first aid treatment and provides Ukrainian servicemen with improved NATO-standard individual first aid kits.

On July 11, 2015, President Poroshenko granted Ukrainian citizenship to Dr. Suprun and her husband, Mark Suprun.

Earlier in July, officers of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Prosecutor General’s Office detained Deputy Health Minister Roman Vasylyshyn for bribe-taking. Mr. Vasylyshyn was suspended from his office.