November 11, 2016

Ukrainian Canadian Congress launches National Campaign fund-raising appeal


WINNIPEG, Manitoba – Building on momentum gathered at the XXV triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians held in Regina last month, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) on November 1 launched its National Campaign fund-raising appeal.

During the entire month of November, volunteers of UCC branches and provincial councils across Canada will be contacting individuals and organizations to seek their financial support to fund local UCC priority programs and projects, as well as national educational and charitable campaigns.

In the past year, the UCC had many successful programs and projects across Canada, including dozens of events related to celebrating the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.  A special Cross Canada Tour was organized with Ukraine’s Ambassador to Canada Andriy Shevchenko and UCC National President Paul Grod.  There are also many local initiatives to build engagement in the Ukrainian Canadian arts community, increase awareness of Canada’s First National Internment operations and educate Canadians about the lasting impacts of the Holodomor.

In the year ahead, the UCC will be working on a number of priorities, including providing services to the Ukrainian community, concentrating particularly on new immigrants and smaller Ukrainian Canadian centers.  Recognizing the potential of youth, the UCC will be working to develop leadership and mentorship programs.  Recognizing the value of Ukrainian education programs, the UCC aims to develop innovative ways to provide Ukrainian education across Canada, in particular in underserviced areas.

In addition, the UCC wants to ensure that the Holodomor is included in curricula across Canada and supports completion of the memorial to the victims of Communism in the Canadian capital, Ottawa.

Donations can be made in three ways:

• Online at, designated for the UCC national Campaign;

• Via mail to the UCC Head Office in Winnipeg (203-953 Main St., Winnipeg MB, R2W 3P4); and

• in person to UCC National Campaign volunteers in local communities.

Proceeds from the UCC National Campaign will be shared 50/50 between UCC National and the designated local branches or provincial councils.