February 12, 2021

Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia announces changes to The Way


The statement below was released by the Chancery Office of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia on January 30.

The Way has been a part of the life of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia since 1939. Originally published as a weekly newspaper, The Way has evolved over the years, moving from typeset layouts, physical printing and direct mailing to an online newsletter distributed via email and posted on the Archeparchial website.

In recent years, many Roman Catholic dioceses and several Eastern Catholic eparchies have radically transformed their communications and media strategy to adapt to the digital age we now live in, and this has been an ongoing effort in our Archeparchy as well. The goal always remains to provide access to church news and information in ways that best reach our faithful. This requires us to continuously reassess our use of printed, audio, video, and social media formats, adapting and changing accordingly.

Significant financial challenges that the Archeparchy faces have forced us to reevaluate all existing communications expenditures, processes, and operations. Surveys conducted as part of that reevaluation have indicated that a vast majority of Ukrainian Catholics within the Archeparchy do not access or utilize The Way in its present format and dissemination approach. Thus, a difficult and painful decision has been thrust upon us, and one that has not been taken lightly. And that decision is that as of the beginning of February, The Way will suspend publication as a biweekly edition.

We express sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to the publication of The Way in most recent times, especially to Teresa Siwak, who has served as a dedicated editor of the publication, and to dedicated volunteers such as Father George Worschak. Over the years many – clergy, religious and laity – have contributed to the ministry of the Archeparchy through their work on The Way, and we remain grateful for their service and the important legacy they leave behind. So much of our Archeparchy’s history is recorded and preserved in the pages of The Way.

As our communication strategy evolves, we will be assessing and evaluating the best approach to effectively communicate with our faithful, using the methods and technologies available to us, learning from the best practices of others who may be one step ahead of us. In the interim, news will continue to be shared through the Archeparchy’s social media channels and other electronic means, and we ask that our pastors keep our faithful informed of current church news and events to the best of their ability. We acknowledge and recognize that some of our faithful are without computers and connection to the Internet. We must not forget them with our communications.
To the faithful readership of The Way, we thank you for your sustained interest and support. We will do everything possible to keep you informed on the mission and life of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia.