October 16, 2020

Ukrainian community offers Canada its COVID expertise


If there is one statistic related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada that stands out like a sore thumb, it is the fact that 81 percent of the deaths have occurred in long-term care centers (nursing homes).

This is particularly true in long-term homes run privately on a for-profit basis. So bad is the situation in these particular centers that, last Spring, the military had to be called in to deal with the crisis in five Toronto homes and on May 26 issued a scathing report that detailed “horrific” allegations of insect infestations, aggressive resident feeding that caused choking, bleeding infections and residents crying for help for hours. Ontario Premier Doug Ford called it “the most heart-wrenching report” he’s ever read in his life.

A month earlier, the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) issued a report which showed that care homes run on a for-profit basis tend to have lower staffing levels, more verified complaints, more transfers to hospitals and higher rates for both ulcers and morbidity.

“Managerial practices taken from the business sector are designed for making a profit, rather than for providing good care. These include paying the lowest wages possible, and hiring part-time, casual and those defined as self-employed in order to avoid paying benefits or providing other protections. Contracting out services such as cleaning, laundry, food and security can also increase risk by bringing more people into homes on a daily basis,” stated the report.

While that report focused primarily on the difference between private for-profit centers and ones run publicly, there is a third alternative to which it gave only passing reference – the private non-profit centers run by faith groups and ethnocultural communities. That’s where the Ukrainian community comes in. In fact, one such Ukrainian community nursing home – the Ivan Franko Long-Term Care Home in Etobicoke, Ontario, was singled out by CBC News last spring as a shining example amid others in an area hit very hard. To date this long-term home has not had any outbreaks. 1

A couple of other good examples of Ukrainian Canadian community-run homes that have been without any outbreaks to date are the Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Seniors Homes in Toronto and St. Michael’s Long-Term Care Center in Edmonton. 2

Jaroslaw Grod, chair of the board of directors of Ss. Peter and Paul, attributes its success to its chief administrative officer, Dennis Levesque, a retired senior officer of the Canadian Armed Forces, who instituted Draconian measures to protect the seniors in the home. “This included segregating our Retirement Home wing (also known as the Bishop Borecky Wing [BBW]) from the independent living apartment wing, and restricting access to the first-floor common spaces to BBW residents only. Strict measures have been enforced regarding visitation of residents, and all employees must work only in our residence. We have an atmosphere of cooperation and professionalism amongst the staff, which has allowed all to understand the importance of following all of the COVID-19 precautions so that the virus does not enter the building,” he says.

John Kopeck, CEO of St. Michael’s Health Group (SMHG), which runs the long-term care center along with several other facilities, says: “We were among the first sites to implement full screening at our entry for all staff and at the same time restricted access to visitors. Staff have been continually re-educated on best practice for use of PPE and our housekeeping staff have been exemplary in adopting enhanced cleaning and disinfecting practices.”

“Another area of key importance has been to continually monitor the mental health of our residents and staff. The recreation department has developed programming they can deliver one-on-one to help keep residents active while following distancing guidelines,” he adds.

Thus, when the government of Canada announced its intention to work with the provinces to develop national standards for long-term care, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress was quick to respond, offering our community’s expertise.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, the 40 Ukrainian long-term care homes across Canada have seen better health outcomes and higher rates of life satisfaction for seniors and their families than have comparable for-profit institutions. This is borne out by evidence-based policy studies of long-term care facilities,” stated Ihor Michalchyshyn, CEO and executive director of UCC National in a September 24 letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“The UCC is ready to work with the government of Canada to identify experts, stakeholders and practitioners in our community that ensure that the experience of these long-term care homes is integrated into the development of national standards for all Canadians,” he added.

Whether the government chooses to take the UCC up on its offer remains to be seen. As it is, developing national standards will not be that easy as health care falls under the jurisdiction of the provinces and each has its own ideas how to proceed. However, the record of the Ukrainian community long-term care homes speaks for itself. And it clearly shows that the Ukrainian Canadian community has much more to offer Canadian society at large than just song and dance.


Marco Levytsky may be contacted at [email protected].

1 The Ivan Franko seniors citizens home in Mississauga, Ontario, which is run by the same organization did have one outbreak which was contained. However, I am writing about the long-tern center in Etobicoke which has not. I don’t want to confuse the reader so I have just included the long-tern centre, which is accurate.

2 Again, the statement is accurate though there is a qualification. On September 27, Mr. Kopeck reported that one staff member had tested positive and everyone in the facility had to be tested as well. All were negative and one case does not make an “outbreak.”