January 29, 2015

Ukrainian Days scheduled for March 4-5


WASHINGTON – The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) and its Washington public relations bureau, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), will sponsor the first in a series of advocacy events in Washington on March 4-5. During Ukrainian Days, the Ukrainian community will have an opportunity to express its concerns to members of Congress and encourage them to continue promoting and supporting a strong and effective U.S. foreign policy towards Ukraine.

The new series of Ukrainian Days will be a follow-up to the Ukraine Freedom Support Act signed into law in December 2014. The event will reinforce Ukraine’s immediate security concerns of preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignty, maintaining border security, safeguarding its independence, and continuing economic reform.

The two-day advocacy program is supported by the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC), of which the UCCA is a founding member. A briefing session with Ukraine experts will be held on Wednesday morning, March 4, to acquaint the participants with latest information from Ukraine, as well as to review the advocacy issues. On Thursday morning, March 5, a breakfast meeting will be held with members of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus. Additional planned events include a tribute to Taras Shevchenko at the newly renovated Shevchenko Memorial and a debriefing session on Thursday afternoon.

Further information will be forthcoming on the Facebook page of UNIS and the UCCA website at www.ucca.org.