September 22, 2017

Ukrainian Diaspora Days in Lviv mark 50 years of the UWC



Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij delivers greetings during the official opening of Ukrainian Diaspora Days in Lviv at the Andrey Sheptytsky monument.

LVIV – The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) continued its 50th anniversary commemorations in Ukraine with Ukrainian Diaspora Days on August 27-29 organized in Lviv by its partner, the International Institute for Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations (IIECDR) of Lviv Polytechnic National University, and an organizing committee chaired by the head of the Lviv Oblast State Administration, Oleh Syniutka.

The three-day program began with opening ceremonies on August 27 at the monument to Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky where hundreds gathered to hear greetings from the UWC President Eugene Czolij, Mr. Syniutka, Metropolitan Ihor Vozniak of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Lviv Polytechnic National University Rector Yuriy Bobalo, Deputy Mayor Andrii Moskalenko of Lviv and IIECDR Director Iryna Kluchkovska.

The opening ceremonies were followed by an evening prayer service at St. George Cathedral celebrated by Metropolitan Ihor.

The evening culminated with a gala at Lviv Polytechnic National University during which the traveling exhibit “Ukrainian World Congress: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” was officially launched. The exhibit, produced by IIECDR to mark the UWC’s 50th anniversary, will be traveling throughout Ukraine in 2017 and 2018, visiting university and educational institutions, and engaging students in discussion about the UWC and the role of the Ukrainian diaspora.

‘UWC at 50 and Beyond’

August 28 was devoted to the conference “UWC at 50 and Beyond: The European Context” – one in a series of conferences taking place in different regions of the world to examine the role of the UWC throughout its history and to develop a roadmap for the future. Over 400 guests from 40 countries attended the full-day conference.

The opening ceremony which began with a prayer performed by the Orpheus Male Folk Choir of Lviv Polytechnic National University was chaired by IIECDR Director Kluchkovska. Welcoming remarks were delivered by UWC President Czolij, Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Pavlo Khobzey, Mr. Syniutka, Deputy Mayor Moskalenko, Rector Bobalo, and Volodymyr Holodniuk, father of Hero of Ukraine Ustym Holodniuk.

A blessing for successful proceedings was conferred by Bishop Peter Stasiuk of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia.

Ukrainian Diaspora Days participants in Shevchenkivskyi Hai.

Ukrainian Diaspora Days participants in Shevchenkivskyi Hai.

Keynote addresses were delivered by UWC President Czolij on the topic “Ukrainian World Congress and the Ukrainian Diaspora in Furthering the Interests of the Ukrainian People: Achievements and Opportunities,” and Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze on the topic “Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine: The Way Forward in Cooperation with the Ukrainian Diaspora.”

The conference proceedings continued with four thematic sessions, the first of which was titled “Strengthening Ukrainian Communities in Shaping Public Opinion in Countries of Residence” and moderated by Jaroszlava Hartyanyi, UWC first vice-president and president of the European Congress of Ukrainians. The session analyzed the state of Ukrainian communities in Europe, the breadth of the new wave of emigration and its influence on magnifying the Ukrainian presence in Europe, and evaluated past work while defining prospects for future development.

Panelists included: Larysa Dir, director-general for Worldwide Ukrainians, Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; Oksana Yurynets, chair of the Subcommittee on Regional and Transborder Cooperation between Ukraine and EU Member States of the European Integration Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine; Petro Tyma, president of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland; and Father Justin Boyko, Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. They were joined by discussants Marika Tucka, president of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland, Przemysl (Peremyshl) branch; and Vira Konyk, UWC vice-president and president of the Congress of Ukrainians in Estonia.

Session two addressed the issue “Ukrainian Education as a Factor in Preserving National Identity Beyond Ukraine’s Borders” and was moderated by Oksana Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych, chair of the UWC International Educational Coordinating Council and honorary consul of Canada in Ukraine. Speakers summarized the educational efforts of the Ukrainian diaspora as one of the most important factors in preserving the Ukrainian identity outside Ukraine and defined the path for its continued development in the context of modern realities, while strengthening effective cooperation with Ukraine in the realm of education.

Panelists included: Stefan Romaniw, UWC secretary general and president of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations; Ms. Kluchkovska of the IIECDR; Kateryna Horokhovska, member of the Institute for the Professional Development of Teachers; and Deputy Minister of Education Khobzey.

Participants of the session also had the opportunity to warmly welcome and acknowledge the contribution of two individuals from Canada to the development of Ukrainian education in the diaspora – past presidents of the UWC International Coordinating Educational Council Nadia Luciw and Iroida Wynnyckyj.

The third session addressed “Furthering the Image of the New Ukraine in the World” and was moderated by the chair of the UWC 50th Anniversary Committee, Iryna Mycak. This session analyzed the forms and methods used by Ukrainian communities in Europe to disseminate factual information about Ukraine, including reforms under the conditions of a disinformation war being waged by the Russian Federation.

Panelists included independent strategic communications consultant Yaryna Kliuchkovska; Maryna Iaroshevych, director of the UWC Mission to International Organizations in Brussels; and Volodymyr Kistianyk, deputy director of the UWC Mission to Ukraine. Contributing to the panel as discussants were the director of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, Zenon Lastowecky, and the president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Andriy Futey.

The fourth session, moderated by UWC Third Vice-President and Chair of the UWC International Human and Civil Rights Committee Peter Sztyk, addressed the topic “Defense of Human Rights: Humanitarian Challenges Facing Ukraine.” The session highlighted the role of the UWC and its member organizations, particularly in Europe, in the struggle to protect human rights, which are being violated as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation and its occupation of Crimea.

Jaroszlava Hartyanyi, UWC first vice-president and president of the European Congress of Ukrainians, leads the conference session on “Strengthening Ukrainian Communities in Shaping Public Opinion in Countries of Residence.”

Jaroszlava Hartyanyi, UWC first vice-president and president of the European Congress of Ukrainians, leads the conference session on “Strengthening Ukrainian Communities in Shaping Public Opinion in Countries of Residence.”

Panelists included Refat Chubarov, chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and president of the World Congress of the Crimean Tatars; Valerii Patskan, first deputy chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and Interethnic Relations, chair of the Subcommittee on Relations with Ukrainians Outside Ukraine; Paul Grod, UWC vice-president and president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress; and Oleksandra Matviychuk, chairperson of the Center for Civil Liberties. Discussants included Halyna Masliuk, chair of the UWC International Task Force to Stop Human Trafficking and president of the Association of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Greece Ukrainian-Hellenic Thought; Yuri Chopyk, chair of the International Committee on Development of New Ukrainian Communities and president of the Ukrainian Community of Spain for Rights, Honor and Dignity of Ukrainians; and Serhii Vynnyk, head of the Siryi Klyn Center for Ukrainian Culture.

The conference concluded with the presentation of a publication on “Ukrainian-Polish Reconciliation in Documents of the Hierarchy and Clergy.” The presentation was moderated by Vice-Rector for Program Development of the Ukrainian Catholic University Oleh Turiy, and the speakers were UWC President Czolij; UCU Rector Father Bohdan Prach; the chair of the Subcommittee on Regional and Transborder Cooperation between Ukraine and EU Member States of the European Integration Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine, Oksana Yurynets; and the president of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland, Petro Tyma.

That evening, guests from the diaspora were treated to a reception hosted by the head of the Lviv Oblast State Administration.

Historical, cultural experiences

The third day, August 29, filled participants with a range of emotions and cultural experiences. The day began at the historic Lychakiv Cemetery with a tribute to heroes from the past and contemporary times who laid down their lives for Ukraine’s independence.

A visit to the Global Ukrainian Orchard at the Klymentii Sheptytsky Museum of National Architecture and Rural Life, known as Shevchenkivskyi Hai, followed with a ribbon-tying ceremony under the slogan “Ukrainians together – the future is ours!” Ribbons with the flags of the 53 countries in the UWC network were tied on a tree dedicated to the UWC to symbolize the unity of Ukrainians around the world.

In Lviv’s main square, flowers were laid at the monument to the great poet Taras Shevchenko.

An exhibit of “Ukrainian Artists of the Diaspora in the Collections of the National Museum in Lviv” was officially opened in conjunction with Ukrainian Diaspora Days.

The day culminated with a concert presentation on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UWC, titled “Reminiscencii.UA,” at the Solomiya Krushelnytska National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet produced by artistic director Iryna Маsur. Viewers were taken on an intensive journey across the tragic pages of the history of Ukraine through music, song, poetry and dance.

Participants of UWC anniversary commemoration at the Lviv Opera.

Participants of UWC anniversary commemoration at the Lviv Opera.

Throughout the three days in Lviv, guests were entertained by a host of cultural ensembles native to Lviv including the Galician Academic Chamber Choir; Dudaryk Capella Choir; Polyphonia Folk Chamber Orchestra of the people’s home Prosvita of Lviv Polytechnic National University; Vysokyi Zamok Academic Instrumental Ensemble of the Lviv National Philharmonic; Orpheus Male Folk Chorus of Lviv Polytechnic National University; Petro Sahaidachnyi Land Forces Academy Band; Trembita Academic Capella of Ukraine; Pervotsvit Folk Music Ensemble, Prosvita, Lviv Polytechnic; Iryna Ziabchyk, soloist of the Kyiv National Presidential Orchestra, Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater for Young People; Life Ballet with artists Iryna Dolia, Liliia Vavryn, Sofia Fedyna, Bria Blessing, Petro Radejk and Vasyl Popadiuk.

The organizers of Ukrainian Diaspora Days included the IIECDR, Lviv Oblast State Administration, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv National Academic Theater for Opera and Ballet, Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv, Lviv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, with individual events being organized by Lviv Oblast Council, City of Lviv, Klymentii Sheptytsky Museum of National Architecture and Rural Life and Petro Sahaidachny National Land Forces Academy.

“The Ukrainian World Congress wholeheartedly thanks all of the organizers of Ukrainian Diaspora Days in Lviv, which further enhanced awareness of the UWC and its activities in our 50th anniversary year, and calls for further strengthening of cooperation with the UWC in pursuit of common goals,” said UWC President Czolij.