June 2, 2017

Ukrainian Federation’s fund-raiser supports Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center


John Midzak

Dr. Zenia Chernyk (second from right), president and chair of the Ukrainian Federation of America, presents Andrea Zharovsky, president of the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, with a $10,000 check resulting from a recent fund-raiser. Looking on are Marko Tarnawsky and Lubomyra Kalyta.

JENKINTOWN, Pa. – “Beef and Beer” turned out to be another successful fund-raiser organized by the Ukrainian Federation of America (UFA). It has become a tradition for the UFA to hold several fund-raisers every year, be it for medical treatment of children or the wounded heroes of Ukraine. The goal of the latest event, held on Saturday, April 22, was unique: the proceeds went entirely to another non-profit organization, the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center (UECC) in Jenkintown, Pa.

In the opening address, Katria Kowal described her experience growing up in the Ukrainian community before the founding of the UECC. She spoke of the challenges and difficulties of working with various Ukrainian organizations because of how dispersed these organizations were throughout the greater Philadelphia area. She described the profound impact that the UECC’s opening had on formulating her sense of belonging, community and heritage. The UECC provided the ability to participate in a multiplicity of cultural programs while developing strong friendships, which Ms. Kowal said she still cherishes. Thus the UECC became a common home for a variety of organizations.

The abundance of delicious food and good cold beer contributed to the success of the event. The UFA also provided babysitting services on the UECC premises during the event to allow parents of small children to take part in the festivities. Various games were available for older children, which made it a true family affair.

As a backdrop to the event, DJ Roman Kobuley presented a rich collection of music from the 1980s. The familiar upbeat songs made the atmosphere convivial and brought attendees of all ages to the dance floor.

In addition, the organizers of the fund-raiser held a raffle of various prizes. The children in the audience, under the guidance of Borys Pawluk Jr., were excited to help with the drawing.

As Dr. Zenia Chernyk, president of the UFA, greeted the participants, she challenged the audience to match her personal donation to the UECC. The response from the attendees was extremely generous.

As a results of the fund-raiser, the Ukrainian Federation of America was able to make a $10,000 contribution to the UECC.

But Dr. Chernyk also reminded everyone that supporting the UECC is a constant obligation for the community.

In her passionate appeal she said: “The UECC opened its doors 37 years ago with the enormous support of the Ukrainian community at large. Soon, most organizations liquidated their headquarters facilities spread all over the city, to join the Ukrainian family under one roof. The feeling of unity and cooperation saturated the hearts and minds of young parents, seniors and children alike. This togetherness produced volunteers who donated their talents, expertise and time to make the physical building more inviting, but most importantly to start cultivating a synergy for the good of the community and especially our youth. Over the years, however, this synergy diminished, volunteers became more difficult to engage, and the financial support became more problematic. Without constant support from the local community, we could loose this priceless treasure.”

Dr. Chernyk concluded, “Now, more than ever, Ukrainian communities need to stay united, and the UECC needs to be a symbol of such unity.”