July 28, 2017

Ukrainian National Foundation assists students of Ostroh Academy


Students of the National University of Ostroh Academy who received grants for studies from the Ukrainian National Foundation.

PARSIPPANY, N.J. – The Ukrainian National Foundation, an affiliated company of the Ukrainian National Association that performs charitable activities, continuously provides grants enabling less fortunate students in Ukraine – those who come from needy families, are orphaned, or have been displaced by the war in Ukraine’s east – to pursue university studies at the National University of Ostroh Academy. A total of $20,000 was donated in 2016 for this purpose to Ostroh Academy.

One of the students who received such assistance from the U.S.-based foundation was Olha Klymchuk of Ostroh, Rivne Oblast, who is studying toward a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

The third-year student recently expressed her thanks in a letter she sent to the UNF’s president, Stefan Kaczaraj.

“I, along with my parents, express sincere thanks to you for the assistance given me, an invalid since childhood, to enable me to fulfill my most heartfelt dream: to receive an education in my chosen specialty,” she wrote.

Ms. Klymchuk added, “…illness had taken away from me the opportunity to live a full life… Your charitable assistance to those who yearn for an education, but are not always able, due to force of circumstances, to achieve that, allows them to fulfill their dreams.”

Similar thank-you letters were received also from 15 students who hail from Rivne Oblast; six from Khmelnytsky Oblast; and one each from the Volyn, Lviv, Ternopil and Zhytomyr oblasts.

The rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Prof. Ihor Pasichnyk, noted that, thanks to UNF funding, students were able to enroll in courses on English language, Ukrainian history, Ukrainian language and literature, and geography.

Prof. Pasichnyk wrote to the UNF: “…thank you for your philanthropy, which benefits Ukrainian education, as well as less fortunate students. I wish all the board members of the Ukrainian National Foundation good health and much success in all your endeavors, as well as God’s blessings upon your work.”