November 8, 2019

Ukrainian National Foundation launches UNA Publications Endowment Fund


In life and beyond, we are all remembered for our acts – for the lives we touch and by the causes we advance. In that light, we would like to thank those donors and supporters of the newly established UNA Publications Endowment Fund, which is managed by the Ukrainian National Foundation Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. The endowment fund will ensure and safeguard the future of all publications of the Ukrainian National Association.

The launch of the new UNA Publications Endowment Fund coincides with UNA’s 125th anniversary celebration and took place at Soyuzivka Heritage Center on July 12. Sponsored by the Ukrainian National Foundation (UNF), it was a magnificent affair. Fifty dollars of each gala ticket were donated to the endowment fund. Additional donations and/or pledges were generously made by the attendees and generous donors. So far, $29,100 has been received (as seen in the report below).

We encourage others to join in and make a legacy gift to this important cause. The gala was just the beginning. Much more is needed to meet our goal of $5 million for the UNA Publications Endowment Fund.

During this milestone anniversary year, special emphasis has been focused on growing the endowment fund for the UNA’s publications. Svoboda, which began publication in 1893, a year before the founding of the UNA, is the oldest continuously published Ukrainian-language newspaper in the world. From its very inception, Svoboda strongly advocated the establishment of a national organization that would unite Ukrainians in this country. The founding of the Ukrainian National Association (UNA) was the result.

For the unity of our community and its future growth, communications were and remain integral. The Ukrainian Weekly, the UNA’s English-language newspaper which has been published since 1933, makes an invaluable contribution to our Ukrainian American organized community life.

The UNA’s publications have a long history of promoting the interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians through the written word and, while they may now deliver the information in different formats besides on paper – most notably electronically through their websites – the need for good writing, good editing and good content remains. The UNA Publications Endowment Fund will support this goal of sustaining quality communications for the future.

The purpose of an endowment fund is to create a strong financial base for the future. Monies collected are not used for ongoing operating purposes (for that, each newspaper has a press fund); instead, the goal of the UNA Publications Endowment Fund is to allow the deposited money to grow with interest and without withdrawals, so that the publications can be self-sustaining in the future.

These legacy gifts will be managed by the UNF and invested for the benefit of the UNA’s publications. The $5 million goal may be ambitious, but each dollar is important. To learn more, readers may contact Roma Lisovich, UNF treasurer, via e-mail at [email protected].

The Ukrainian National Foundation will periodically publish reports on the status of the UNA Publications Endowment Fund to acknowledge generous donors. Thank you in advance for your support.


Donations/Pledges Received                     Amount

Ukrainian National Association                     $12,500.00

Self Reliance (NY)
Federal Credit Union-New York                     $5,000.00

Selfreliance FCU-Whippany                            $2,000.00

Anisa Sawyckyyj Mycak                                     $1,000.00

Yuri and Nina Wedmid                                        $600.00

Ukrainian Federal Credit Union
Rochester NY                                                         $500.00

KLK Ukrainian American Sports Club             $500.00

Taras Petrynenko                                                  $500.00

Kurtis and Alia Babczenko                                  $300.00

Zenon Diaczuk                                                      $300.00

Irene Jarosewich                                                  $300.00

Mishmash Catering                                              $250.00

Julianne and Antin Galonzka                            $250.00

Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation     $200.00

Lubomira B. Edlund                                            $200.00

SUMA Federal Credit Union, Yonkers             $150.00

Bohdanna and Bohdan Vitvitsky                       $150.00

Ulana Diachuk                                                       $150.00

Severyn Palydowycz                                             $150.00

Oksana Drybushar                                                $150.00

Christina Trojan-Masnyk                                    $100.00

George and Alexandra Rakowsky                      $100.00

Roman Ferencevych                                            $100.00

Mary Tomorug                                                      $100.00

Roman Danyliw                                                    $100.00

Nancy and Michael Bohdan                               $100.00

Oleh and Valentina Babksi                                 $100.00

Stefan Bihun                                                          $100.00

Kyiv Mohyla Institute Foundation                    $100.00

Mr. and Mrs. Dashewytz                                     $100.00

Anna and Val DeVassal                                       $100.00

Roma and Andrew Hadzewycz                          $100.00

Chrystine and Jerry Hanafin                              $100.00

Zirka and Orest Hanas                                         $100.00

Donald and Gloria Horbaty                                $100.00

Alexandra and Roman Horodecky                    $100.00

Mr. and Mrs. Andrij Hrechak                            $100.00

Oksana and Harry Jashyn                                  $100.00

Swiatoslawa and Stefan Kaczaraj                      $100.00

Christine and Yarema Kochan                           $100.00

Andriy and Christa Kozak                                   $100.00

Mr. and Mrs. Lemishka                                       $100.00

Anisa and George Mycak                                    $100.00

Vera and Yuriy Popel                                           $100.00

Bohdanna and Bohdan Puzyk                            $100.00

Mr. and Mrs. George Stakhiv                             $100.00

Natalya and Yuriy Symczyk                                $100.00

Valentyna and Bohdan Tabaka                         $100.00

Luba and Geoge Walchuk                                  $100.00

Andrew and Marta Zwarycz                              $100.00

Ukrainian National Association                       $100.00

Adia and Orest Fedash                                       $100.00

Walter  Clebowicz                                                $50.00

Marie Duplak                                                        $50.00

Lubomira B.  Edlund                                           $50.00

Natalka Girardi                                                     $50.00

Junas Natalka                                                       $50.00

Rev. Ivan Kaszczak                                              $50.00

Myron Kolinsky                                                    $50.00

Lida Leschuk                                                         $50.00

Roma Lisovich                                                      $50.00

Halia Lodynsky                                                     $50.00

Taras Sochan                                                         $50.00

Bohdan Sova                                                          $50.00

Oksana Stanko                                                      $50.00

Marta Zahalak                                                       $50.00

Tom Hawrylko                                                      $50.00

Total                                                         $29,100.00


Roma Lisovich is treasurer of the Ukrainian National Foundation.