August 26, 2021

Ukrainian Sports Club looks to rebuild, attract new members and grow


BROOKLYN, N.Y. – The Ukrainian Sports Club (YCK) is starting a new chapter in its history. After almost 50 years, YCK sold its building in Manhattan located on 2nd Avenue between 7th and 8th streets. Some money was invested and the rest was used to buy a building at 663 Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Currently, the building is being totally renovated and will be functional in the fall. It is a significant time for YCK to rebuild the club and become a part of the Ukrainian community once again.

On June 26, members held their annual meeting in the Ukrainian National Home.

Annual reports were presented, food was served and board elections took place.

Presently, the YCK Corporation is divided into two boards: the Ukrainian American Soccer Association, Inc. (UASA), which is the custodial or business board, and the New York Ukrainian Sports Club, Inc. (YCK), which provides sports programs for the community.

During the annual meeting, the UASA held board elections and the following members were selected for a three-year term: President Willie Zinkewitsch, First Vice-President Izzy Gjenasaj, Second Vice-President and Treasurer Bohdan Pryjmak, Secretary Roman Stelmach, By-Laws/Nominating Chairperson Dr. Nicholas Skirka and Auditing Chairperson Iurii Vovk.

New York Ukrainian Sports Club, Inc. (YCK) board elections will be held next year. The following individuals make up the YCK board: President: Willie Zinkewitsch, Vice President and Senior Team Sports Director Steven Kovalenko, Treasurer Valentin Kovalenko and Youth Teams Sports Director Bohdan Pryjmak. The position of secretary is currently vacant.

The YCK public relations officer, Ulana Pryjmak, is actively promoting the organization via popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and the organization’s website. Individuals are encouraged to visit these platforms and learn more about the corporation and the programs provided (for more information, readers can use the links below).

YCK provides a variety of sports programs for all ages. Presently, YCK has a first and reserve men’s senior soccer team directed by Steve Kovalenko. Practices and home games take place at McCarren Park in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The reserve team won the championship this year; they were undefeated with nine wins and one tie, and the first team was competitive.

The youth sports clinic, directed and coached by Bohdan Pryjmak, has coordinated with CYM and Plast in sports of soccer and volleyball. Mr. Pryjmak is also planning an exciting program of chess and ping-pong this fall. The soccer and volleyball youth programs take place in Saint George Academy in Manhattan on Saturdays, as well as the East River Park. The youth sports program was created to build a future for YCK.

Mr. Pryjmak also plans on organizing an International Ukrainian Ice Hockey tournament in Brooklyn in spring 2022. Furthermore, there have been discussions on starting a senior women’s soccer team, a junior boys’ soccer team and other youth soccer teams.

The organization sincerely hopes these programs will spark an interest in everyone.

As a result, YCK is looking to become a vital part of the Ukrainian community again. The organization’s present motto is: “Let’s Rebuild YCK Together.” Readers who would like to be part of the organization’s sports programs or want to make a positive contribution may contact any of the board members listed above.

Senior players are always welcome to try-out (contact Steve Kovalenko at [email protected]), and for more information about our youth programs please contact, readers may contact Mr. Pryjmak at [email protected].

The board of directors welcomes new members to the organization if they can provide an active and valuable contribution to help the club thrive for years to come. Players and families can be members, one can help drive players to games and practices, assist in games/practices, coach, assist with team and equipment management and fundraising.

Membership applications are available upon request from the club’s president, Mr. Zinkewitsch, who can be reached via email at [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed by the board of directors prior to approval. Let’s Rebuild YCK Together.
For more information about YCK, readers may visit,, and