June 28, 2019

Ukrainian World Congress calls for volunteers to join parliamentary election observation mission


The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is calling for volunteers to participate in the work of the UWC International Observation Mission to Ukraine’s 2019 Elections (UWC Mission) during Ukraine’s parliamentary elections on July 21.

The UWC Mission will monitor the early parliamentary election in Ukraine and provide assessments on the compliance with Ukraine’s domestic law and its commitments to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe, as well as other international standards for democratic elections.

The UWC’s Past-President Eugene Czolij heads the UWC Mission. 

The UWC welcomes applications for short-term observation from volunteers (excluding citizens of Ukraine or the Russian Federation) who can travel to Ukraine to observe the electoral process; temporarily or permanently reside in Ukraine and are willing to observe the electoral process; or can observe the electoral process in one of Ukraine’s diplomatic missions abroad.

The application package of documents, including the application form required for registration as a UWC short-term observer with Ukraine’s Central Election Commission, is available on the UWC website, www.ukrainianworldcongress.org/.

In order to become a UWC short-term observer during the parliamentary election in Ukraine, applications must be completed and sent no later than July 10 to [email protected].

Volunteers who were registered as UWC short-term observers during Ukraine’s presidential election earlier this year need to register once again with the Central Election Commission for the parliamentary election in Ukraine.

Readers may direct any questions regarding the UWC Mission to Volodymyr Kistianyk, coordinator of the UWC Mission, at +380977525177 (Ukraine, WhatsApp, Viber); or by e-mail to [email protected].

“I appeal to as many volunteers as possible to join the UWC Mission and contribute to strengthening in a very meaningful way Ukraine’s democracy,” said Mr. Czolij.