November 23, 2018

Ukrainian World Congress president concludes visits with diaspora communities


In South Africa, at a meeting with the Ukrainian community in Pretoria, seen in the middle (from left) are: Ukraine’s Chargé D’Affaires Liubov Abravitova, Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij and his wife, Anna.

TORONTO – Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij conclude his most recent series of visits to Ukrainian diaspora communities by traveling on October 27-31 to the Republic of South Africa. 

He arrived on the invitation of the Ukrainian Association of South Africa, which forms part of the UWC network, together with his wife, Anna. They visited Stellenbosch, Cape Town and Pretoria where, during various appearances and meetings, he furthered topical Ukrainian issues.

On October 28, Mr. Czolij attended the Ukrainian festival in Stellenbosch, and the next day he spoke during a seminar organized by the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the topic “Doing Business in Ukraine.” Mr. Czolij highlighted that Ukraine is a modern, European state that is actively reforming and has great economic potential; he encouraged investment in Ukraine and the strengthening of mutual trade ties. 

On October 30, the UWC president met with parliamentarians of the Republic of South Africa and encouraged cooperation with the international community to ensure compliance by the Russian Federation with the U.N. Charter and its international commitments. In addition, he called upon the RSA to strengthen bilateral relations with Ukraine, including economic and trade cooperation, and create a friendship group with parliamentarians in Ukraine.

Also that day, Mr. Czolij delivered an address on the topic of Ukraine at the South African Institute of International Affairs in Western Cape, during which he highlighted the European choice of the Ukrainian people during Euro-Maidan and the reaction of the Russian Federation which occupied Crimea and waged armed actions in eastern Ukraine. 

On October 31, the UWC president met with the leadership and representatives of the Ukrainian Association in South Africa chaired by Dzvinka Kachur. 

On November 1 in Pretoria, Mr. Czolij visited the Embassy of Ukraine and met with diplomats headed by Chargé d’Affaires Liubov Abravitova. On November 4, the UWC president held a community meeting with Ukrainians in Pretoria. 

The next day, he met with the Roman Catholic archbishop of Pretoria, William Slattery, informing him about the Ukrainian community in the RSA and requesting that clergy of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church be allowed to celebrate liturgies in Roman Catholic churches in Pretoria and Cape Town. 

During his visit to the RSA, the UWC president was accompanied by the chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of Ukraine in the RSA, Liubov Abravitova, and the president of the Ukrainian Association in South Africa, Dzvinka Kachur. 

Working visit to Poland

On October 24-26, Mr. Czolij was on a working visit to Poland, where he addressed the Warsaw Security Forum 2018 as part of the panel titled “The Russian-Ukrainian War: Is Ukraine falling off Everyone’s Radar?” 

In Poland, the UWC president speaks at the Warsaw Security Forum 2018.

He also met with Polish high-ranking officials and representatives of civil society, with whom he raised important Ukrainian issues. He expressed thanks to Poland for recognizing the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people, the 85th anniversary of which is currently being commemorated by Ukrainians worldwide. 

On October 24, at Ukrainian Home, the UWC president, together with chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, Hanna Hopko, addressed a meeting of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland led by Petro Tyma during which participants discussed means of cooperation between the UWC and its network and Ukrainian authorities in support of Ukraine.

During his visit, the UWC president was accompanied by the director of the UWC Mission to International Organizations in Brussels Maryna Iaroshevych and, to some meetings, by Mr. Tyma.

Meetings in Germany

On October 20-23, Mr. Czolij traveled to Munich and Berlin to participate in events organized by the UWC member organization Union of Ukrainian Organizations in Germany (UUOG), and to present to high-ranking German officials and representatives of civil society topical Ukrainian issues. 

On October 20 in Munich, he participated in the annual general meeting of the UUOG during which, on behalf of the UWC, he extended greetings to attendees, thanked the outgoing board under the leadership of Lesya Shramko for its cooperation with the UWC, and called upon the UUOG for continued joint action in furthering Ukrainian interests. 

 Elected to the UUOG board were: Rostyslav Sukennyk (president), Andrij Kaprocki (first vice-president), Andrij Nesmasznyj (second vice-president), Taras Fedoriv (secretary) and Ms. Shramko (treasurer). 

The next day, the UWC president participated in a memorial service in the framework of the international action initiated by the UWC “Light a Candle of Remembrance” marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, which was held in the courtyard of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. 

Afterwards, he met with the Ukrainian community in the church hall during which he spoke about current events in Ukraine and priorities of the UWC.

On October 22-23 in Berlin, the UWC president held meetings with high-ranking German officials and representatives of civil society, thanking Germany for its support of Ukraine in fighting Russian aggression, particularly in the Normandy format negotiations. He also focused attention on the illegal actions of the Russian Federation with which it disrupts marine traffic in the Sea of Azov and negatively impacts trade with Ukraine. 

During his visit to Germany, the UWC president was accompanied by Ms. Iaroshevych. 

During an earlier visit to Germany on October 13-14 on the invitation of the International Ukrainian Organization Fourth Wave led by Dr. Iryna Jastreb, Mr. Czolij delivered an address on the Holodomor at an academic conference in Düsseldorf and attended the parish feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Krefeld-Traar. 

A visit to Tunisia

On October 17-19, Mr. Czolij was on a working visit to Tunisia in order to promote ties with the Ukrainian community and discuss topical Ukrainian issues with Tunisian high-ranking officials.

He met with the chair and vice-chair of the Ukraine Friendship Group in the Assembly of People’s Representatives, the Parliament of Tunisia. Mr. Czolij thanked Tunisia for voting in favor of Resolution No. 28/262 on the territorial integrity of Ukraine adopted on March 27, 2014, by the United Nations General Assembly. He called for the opening of a Tunisian Consulate in Kyiv and the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukrainians travelling to Tunisia, which would contribute to the growth of tourism in Tunisia. 

During his community meeting at the Embassy of Ukraine in Tunisia, Mr. Czolij presented the activities of the UWC. In turn, the UWC president learned from Ukrainian community activists about the newly registered community organization of Ukrainians abroad, Berehynia, led by Natalya Chernenko, and the specifics of the life of Ukrainians in Tunisia. 

During his visit, the UWC president also met the ambassador of Ukraine to Libya and Tunisia, Mykola Nahornyi, who accompanied him to meetings.

Egypt on the itinerary

October 15-16 took Mr. Czolij to Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt, for the purpose of developing ties with the local Ukrainian communities and raising important Ukrainian issues with Egyptian high-ranking officials.


At Ukraine’s Embassy to Egypt, the president of the Ukrainian World Congress with the Ukrainian community of Cairo.

In Cairo on October 15, he met with members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Egypt-Ukraine. He discussed the situation in the Donbas and Crimea, progress on reforms in Ukraine, and strengthening of Egypt-Ukraine political, trade and economic relations.

He also attended a community meeting with Ukrainians in Egypt, which took place in the Embassy of Ukraine. In the course of the meeting, the UWC President shared information about UWC activities at the global level. The leader of the active group of Ukrainians, Lilia Diduk, screened a slide presentation on the life of Ukrainians in Egypt.

On October 16, Mr. Czolij went to Alexandria, where he visited the Library of Alexandria with local Ukrainians and laid a wreath at the plaque dedicated to renowned Ukrainian poet Lesia Ukrainka. He discussed with local Ukrainians future interaction with the UWC.

During his visit, the UWC president met the ambassador of Ukraine to Egypt, Hennadi Latii, who also accompanied him to his meetings.

Events in Great Britain

On October 7-9, the UWC president was invited by the Atlantic Council, the British-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Royal United Services Institute (“RUSI”), for a working visit to London and Acton, Great Britain, where he addressed an international security conference and participated in the action “Light a Candle of Remembrance” and other initiatives in conjunction with Ukrainian Week in London.

He began his visit to Great Britain by attending divine liturgy in the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in Exile celebrated by Father Irineu Kraiczyi. The UWC president then addressed the Ukrainian community, sharing information about the current situation in Ukraine and calling upon Ukrainians in Great Britain for continued close cooperation with the UWC in support of Ukraine. 

On October 8, Mr. Czolij spoke during the session titled “Lawfare: Ukrainian Claims Against Russia in International Courts” that took place in the framework of the conference “Ukraine’s Security and its Importance for the U.K.” In his presentation, he focused attention on how Ukrainians can use the court system, including the European Court of Human Rights, and arbitration to obtain compensation from the Russian Federation for physical and property damages as a result of the Kremlin’s aggression in Ukraine. Mr. Czolij also emphasized the importance of establishing an international commission that would contribute to the preparation of such legal cases and source financing in global capital markets for administering these cases and the lawyers to plead them. 

Participating in the conference, which raised strategic geopolitical challenges and cooperation between Ukraine and Great Britain, were high-ranking officials from Great Britain and Ukraine, and representatives of civil society and mass media. The keynote speaker was Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze. 

On October 9, Mr. Czolij took part in a business forum held in the framework of Ukrainian Week in London, where Ukraine’s First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv delivered a presentation on investing in Ukraine. 

In a meeting with Stephen McCormick, member of the Ukraine Team, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Department in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, Mr. Czolij thanked Great Britain for its support of Ukraine in the defense of its territorial integrity and spoke about the breadth of the hybrid aggression against Ukraine on the part of the Russian Federation.

The UWC president also met with representatives of civil society in Great Britain, specifically with James Nixey, head of the Russia and Eurasia Program, Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs; Orysia Lutsevych, manager of the Ukraine Forum at the Russia and Eurasia Program, Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs; Andrew Wilson, professor of Ukrainian studies at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies of the University College London, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations; and Adam Hug, director of the Foreign Policy Center. 

The UWC President also participated in a roundtable at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, on the topic of legal challenges against Russian Federation. The issue of continued support for Ukraine was discussed also by the UWC president with the political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in the United Kingdom, Zach Harkenrider. 

In addition, Mr. Czolij together with Minister Kubiv, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Great Britain Nataliya Halibarenko, President Petro Rewko of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain and representatives of the Ukrainian community, participated in the international action “Light a Candle of Remembrance” marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, which was held in the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration in Acton. 

While in Great Britain the UWC president was accompanied by Bohdan Terlecky, member of the board of directors of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain. 

Travel to Kazakhstan

In September 18-23 in Kazakhstan, Mr. Czolij visited Almaty, Karaganda, Dolinka, Shyderty, Pavlodar, Aksy, Astana and Akmol to strengthen ties with the local Ukrainian churches and communities, and to present current Ukrainian issues to governing authorities and civil society of Kazakhstan. He visited the country on the invitation of UWC member organization Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association.

During numerous meetings, the UWC president reported on the main work of the UWC in strengthening ties among Ukrainian communities in the diaspora, developing their national-cultural lives, and defending the interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians. 

On September 18, Mr. Czolij spoke about the UWC in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, addressing the membership of the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Cultural Center Prosvita Zhetysu under the leadership of Mykola Duras and the Ukrainian Cultural Center of Almaty led by Tamara Zinchenko. 

In attendance were: the deputy akim (deputy mayor) and deputy chair of the Almaty Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Kazbek Mansurov; the manager of the Almaty Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Secretariat, Nazar Balginbayev; and representative of the Maslikhat of Almaty and member of the Regional Union of the National Chamber of Business People, Konstantin Averin.

After the meeting, the UWC president together with the Ukrainian community laid flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko. He also participated in a memorial service in the framework of the UWC’s international campaign “Light a Candle of Remembrance led by Father Oleh Halushka of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.

On September 19, Mr. Czolij was in Karaganda, Dolinka and Shyderty where he met with local Ukrainian community members and officials, including Honorary Consul of Ukraine for the Karaganda region Yerlan Dоsmagambetov. In Karaganda, the UWC president was accompanied by President Zenoviya Krassivskaya of the Ukrainian Cultural Center Ridne Slovo. In Dolinka he visited the museum in memory of political repressions, more commonly known as “KARLAG.”

On September 20-21, the UWC president traveled to Pavlodar and Aksy, once again meeting with the area’s Ukrainians local officials.

On September 20, he delivered a thematic address during a roundtable discussion titled “Friendship without Borders” that was held in the Chamber of Friendship with the participation of representatives of nine chapters of the Taras Shevchenko Association of Ukrainian Culture from cities and villages in the region, heads of state institutions in the city and region, and representatives of mass media. 

On September 21, after attending liturgy in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Pavlodar, the UWC president laid wreaths at the Memorial to Victims of the Holodomor and Memorial to Victims of Political Repressions; visited the office of the Taras Shevchenko Association of Ukrainian Culture in Pavlodar and the Chamber of Friendship; and attended a class in the Ukrainian department of the Kanat Darzhumanov School of National Rebirth. 

While in Pavlodar, Mr. Czolij was accompanied by Deputy Chair of the Pavlodar Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Seisembai Zhetpysbaiev and the president of the UWC member organization Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association, Mykhailo Paripsa.

Astana and Akmol also were on Mr. Czolij’s itinerary in Kazakhstan. On September 21, he met with Ukraine’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan Ivan Kuleba and representatives of Ukrainian communities.

On September 22, at the Informational-Cultural Center of the Embassy of Ukraine in Kazakhstan, Mr. Czolij met with the Ukrainian community in Astana and delivered an address about the work of the UWC. After the meeting, the UWC President gave an interview to the only Ukrainian-language weekly newspaper in Asia, Ukrayinski Novyny, which was established in Kazakhstan in 1994.

In Akmol on September 22, the UWC president visited the Museum-Memorial Complex in memory of Victims of Political Repressions and Totalitarianism “ALZHIR” and laid flowers in memory of the victims of Soviet terror.

In the Kyrgyz Republic

The UWC president concluded a working visit to Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, on September 16-17. There, he spoke at an international scientific-practical conference “The Ukrainian Diaspora in Kyrgyzstan: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Ukrainian Association of the Kyrgyz Republic Berehynia, discussed paths of cooperation between the UWC and the association, and raised current Ukrainian issues with government officials and representatives of civil society.


In Kyrgyzstan, the UWC leader with the Ukrainian community of Bishkek.

Addressing the conference, Mr. Czolij recognized the successes of the Berehynia Association, noting that it was one of the founders of the People’s Assembly of Kyrgyzstan, and the Kyrgyzstan-Ukraine Friendship Association. 

On September 17, the UWC president met with the chair of the Council of the People’s Assembly of Kyrgyzstan, Tokon Mamytov, to whom he expressed gratitude for supporting the work of the Berehynia Association and providing a facility for their activities. 

He held separate meetings with Shamil Ibragimov, executive director of the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan; Abdyrakhman uulu Scheirbek, assistant director general for Radio of the Kyrgyz National Television and Radio Corporation, the first broadcast channel to air the Ukrainian-language weekly radio program “Berehynia”; and Tom Selinger, head of the Political and Economic Section at the Embassy of the U.S.A. in the Kyrgyz Republic. 

In these meetings, Mr. Czolij shared information about the fundamental work of the UWC in strengthening unity among Ukrainians worldwide, the development of their national-cultural lives and the defense of their interests internationally.

The UWC President was accompanied by Ukraine’s Chargé d’Affaires in the Kyrgyz Republic Ihor Bilenkyi, Third Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kyrgyz Republic Volodymyr Raikov, and President Volodymyr Narozia and First Vice President Serhii Kuzmenko of the Berehynia Association.