August 5, 2016

Ukrainians denounce Trump’s readiness to legitimize Putin’s annexation of Crimea


Ukrainian Internal Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk have denounced the declaration by Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president, that he is prepared to recognize the Russian seizure of Ukraine’s Crimea. They called it “shameful” and a demonstration that he is “a dangerous marginal.”

Mr. Trump’s “shameful declaration,” Mr. Avakov said on Facebook, shows that Mr. Trump is “dangerous not only for Ukraine but also for the U.S.” No one who is prepared to recognize Mr. Putin’s aggression can be “a guarantor of democratic freedoms in the U.S. and the world” (

Mr. Yatsenyuk was even blunter in his Facebook assessment of Mr. Trump’s comments during his interview on foreign policy ( and

“Donald Trump’s recent comments regarding Crimea and Putin during his ABC interview go beyond any form of domestic political campaigning. An official candidate for the United States presidential election has challenged the very values of the free world, civilized world order and international law,” the former prime minister said.

The Republican candidate’s statement “can hardly be called ignorance. It is a breach of moral and civilized principles,” Mr. Yatsenyuk wrote. “What Donald Trump said about Crimea today, he might tomorrow extend to some other part of the world – in Europe, Asia or the Americas.” And that makes it worrisome for everyone.

“The United States is the leader of the free world,” the Ukrainian leader said. “Without [its] leadership and the alliance, the free world will be destroyed by the likes of Putin, Le Pen, Assad, Kim Jong Un and other dictators, demagogues and populists.”


Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia who has served in various capacities in the U.S. State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the International Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The article above is reprinted with permission from his blog called “Window on Eurasia” (