August 9, 2019

UMANA holds biennial convention in Park City, Utah


Maria Hrycelak

Confreres attending the UMANA Scientific Conference.

CHICAGO – The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) held its 45th Scientific Conference and 38th Assembly of Delegates on June 19-23, in Park City, Utah.

Sixty-five attendees, representing nine chapters of UMANA, gathered to hear presentations on “Current Concepts in Emergent Care – Emergent Threats to Medicine” and conduct the association’s corporate biennial business meeting. The Scientific Conference was jointly sponsored with Trinitas Regional Medical Center of Elizabeth, N.J., and made available up to 10 hours of continuing medical education (CME) credits to the participants.

The conference commenced on Wednesday at the Park City Marriott Hotel with a welcoming reception for arriving members and guests.

Scientific sessions took place Thursday and Friday mornings under the direction of UMANA Conference Coordinator Dr. Peter Lenchur.

Speakers included: Dr. Ariadne Bach, “Emergent Radiological Findings in the Oncological Patient”; Dr. Celia (Symchak) Hildebrand, “Use of Auricular Acupuncture for trauma and Disaster Relief – Experience of teaching in Ukraine”; Dr. Lenchur, “Emerging Cardiac Treatments and Anti-Coagulants”; Dr. Andrew Liteplo, “Point-of-care Ultrasound: Everyone’s Using It, Why Aren’t You?”; Dr. Marta Lopatynsky, “Revolutions and Evolutions in Ophthal­mology”; Dr. Roman Kozickyj, “Palliative Care”; Dr. Igor Prus, “Emergencies in Sports Medicine”; Dr. Leo Wolansky, “Imaging of Head Trauma”; and Dr. Steven Yevich, “Immunotherapy – A Paradigm Shift in Cancer Care?”. Dr. Roxolana Horbowyj conducted the “Stop the Bleed” course.

On Friday evening conference participants gathered for a group reunion buffet, during which new members attending the meeting publically received new member certificates. The evening concluded with a sing-along led by Drs. Ronald Liteplo and Askold Mosijczuk, with Dr. Wolansky’s guitar supplying the musical accompaniment.

At the biennial corporate business meeting on Saturday morning, members heard reports from UMANA officers and committees. Of particular note was the induction into the association of over 50 new members in the last 24 months. These young inductees add vigor and vitality, lending credibility to the long-term growth and relevance of UMANA.

The following individuals were elected to the 2019-2021 terms of office: President Peter Lenchur, M.D. (NY Metro); President-elect Leo Wolansky, M.D. (New England); Vice-president Marta Lopatynsky, M.D. (NYMetro); Secretary Lida Wozny, R.Ph. (Illinois); Treasurer Roman Kozyckyj, M.D. (Illinois).

Maria Hrycelak

New board members (from left): President Peter Lenchur, M.D., President-elect Leo Wolansky, M.D., Vice president Marta Lopatynsky, M.D., Treasurer Roman Kozyckyj, M.D.

Saturday evening concluded the conference with a keynote address on “Physician Burnout” by Dr. Ihor Sawczuk, Northern Regional president of Hackensack University Medical Center in Hackensack, N.J.

The traditional “roast” feted the outgoing president Dr. Andrew Ripecky, and welcomed the new president, Dr. Lenchur. The new president reviewed the history of UMANA, and presented his vision of the future of the organization.

Dr. Ripecky received an award for services rendered to the association. Dr. George Hrycelak, long-time member, past president and executive director for the last 18 years, was named the 16th honorary member of UMANA.

The confreres chatted late into the evening prior to departure the next day, reviewing the events of the weekend. They renewed old friendships, made new ones and began tentative plans to meet in two years.

For further information, readers may visit UMANA’s web site or call 773-278-6262.

New members (from left) Donald Schomer, M.D., Oksana Hauk-Myers, L.P., Natalia Balytsky, M.D., receive certificates from outgoing President Andrew Ripecky, M.D