April 26, 2019

UNA CELEBRATES 125 YEARS: A snapshot from history, 2006


The UNA General Assembly elected at the 36th Regular Convention in May 2006 held its first meeting at Soyuzivka on Saturday and Sunday, September 16-17. Participating in the meeting were: (first row, from left) Advisors Eugene Serba and Olya Czerkas, Treasurer Roma Lisovich, Second Vice-President Michael Koziupa, President Stefan Kaczaraj, Advisor Gloria Horbaty, Auditor Slavko Tysiak, National Secretary Christine Kozak, Auditor Wasyl Szeremeta, (second row) Advisors Al Kachkowski, Bohdan Kukuruza, Nicholas Fil, Maya Lew and Eugene Oscislawski, Director for Canada Myron Groch and First Vice-President Zenon Holubec. The agenda was concise, as this was a special meeting of the General Assembly held during a convention year. At the conclusion of the meeting, President Kaczaraj commented: “We have a good group of advisors who can help us promote the UNA.” He and his fellow executive officers said they were impressed with the willingness of the new General Assembly to get together and work for the good of the UNA, while looking at creative new approaches to promote the 112-year-old fraternal organization.

A photo archive of UNA history has been launched on the UNA website. It is a work in progress that will be expanded and refined. To take a look, go to unainc.org/una/the-una-is-125-years-old/.