July 12, 2019

UNA CELEBRATES 125 YEARS: Snapshots from history, 1933


Seen here are two photos from the 18th Regular Convention of the Ukrainian National Association, held on May 15-20, 1933, in Detroit. Above is a photo of the convention delegates – there were 297 of them – and below is a photo taken during the convention’s concert night at the Book Cadillac Hotel. Elected to lead the UNA were: Supreme President Nicholas Muraszko, Supreme Vice-President Volodymyr Malewich, Supreme Vice-Presidentess Maria Olshanytska, Supreme Secretary Dmytro Halychyn and Supreme Financial Secretary Roman Slobodian. It was at this convention that the delegates recommended to the Supreme Assembly that the UNA should consider an English-language publication in addition to the Ukrainian-language Svoboda. Soon thereafter, at the special meeting of the newly elected Supreme Assembly in July 1933, the decision was made to start the publication of an English-language weekly supplement to be called The Ukrainian Weekly. The first issue of The Ukrainian Weekly was dated October 6, 1933.

A photo archive of UNA history has been launched on the UNA website. It is a work in progress that will be expanded and refined. To take a look, go to unainc.org/una/the-una-is-125-years-old/.