July 31, 2020

UNWLA launches directory of Ukrainian American artists


NEW YORK – The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA), in contin­uing its 95-year legacy of promoting, preser­ving and providing education on Ukrainian culture, history and the arts, has announced its sponsorship in the development of a Ukrainian American Artist Directory.

The creation of this directory comes from the need to make information about artists and their work accessible, as the Ukrainian American community witnesses the continued flourishing of Ukrainian arts. The goal is to create a searchable national directory of the many talented and varied Ukrainian artists who work in so many genres. The directory aims to become a resource for communities across the U.S. and, indeed, the world.

The directory is open to professional/commercial artists and hobbyists, all of whom preserve or create fresh new Ukrainian art forms, and share their work through lectures, demonstrations and workshops. The directory is voluntary, and participating artists are invited to complete a brief survey about themselves and their art. This information will periodically be uploaded to the UNWLA website.

The art forms listed in the UNWLA survey include: “basketry/basket weaving, carving, ceramics, choreographer, cinematography, dancing, doll making, egg decorating (pysanky), embroidery, furniture making, glass making/blowing, iconography, jewelry, leather work, metalwork, musical composition, musical instrument making, musician, painting, paper cutting (vytynanky), photography, printmaking, pottery, sculpture, singer, stone carving, straw weaving/straw art, toy making, weaving, wickerwork, writer.” There is an option to add additional art forms.

All Ukrainian artists, professionals or hobbyists, who keep Ukrainian traditions alive or who create new ones, are encouraged to become a part of this compilation. The link to the survey can be accessed via the News section on the UNWLA website: www.unwla.org

For more information, readers may write to [email protected].

Source: UNWLA