November 9, 2018

UNWLA president recognized by UGCC and UOC-KP


Father Petro Zhuk of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Three Holy Hierarchs Spiritual Seminary presents a Patriarchal Certificate to Marianna Zajac.

NEW YORK – On Sunday, September 9, Father Petro Zhuk, rector of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Three Holy Hierarchs Spiritual Seminary in Kyiv, presented Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) President Marianna Zajac with the Patriarchal certificate (hramota), the highest recognition awarded by Patriarch Sviatoslav of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC). 

This seminary was established in Kniazhychi, Kyiv Oblast, at the directive of Patriarch Lubomyr and became active in June 2010.

For the second year now, the UNWLA has supported a portion of the expenses of the seminarians from eastern Ukraine who have entered the seminary with financial challenges. Of the 78 seminarians currently studying at the seminary, the UNWLA is providing support to 21. After their ordination, these young men will be returning to their home territories affected by the war in order to serve their respective communities. 

During his visit to the United States during the summer of 2018, Patriarch Sviatoslav, who directly oversees the seminary, clearly stated at a dinner held in his honor in Stamford, Conn., that this seminary is critical for the future of the UGCC in the war-affected areas. The UNWLA has pledged to continue its support.

On September 10, Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate awarded Ms. Zajac the order of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara for the UNWLA’s commitment to “the revival of spirituality in Ukraine.” This recognition is awarded to women for outstanding personal services in church, philanthropic, educational, cultural and other spheres of social activity.

Myron W. Zajak

Patriarch Filaret presents the Medal of St. Barbara to Marianna Zajac

During this visit, Patriarch Filaret thanked the UNWLA for its continued dedication to Ukrainians of all walks of life. Ms. Zajac briefly shared UNWLA’s history, and its many social welfare and educational projects currently taking place in Ukraine. She also spoke about the organization’s dedication and active involvement in the recognition of the Holodomor as genocide in the United States. 

Patriarch Filaret then spoke about the granting of the Tomos of autocephaly by the patriarch of Constantinople and emphasized its historical importance.