July 27, 2018

USCAK-East tennis tournament played at Soyuzivka


Petrusia Sawchak

At the USCAK-East tennis tournament at Soyuzivka (from left) are: Steve Sosiak, Marko Gural, Markian Nychka, Daniel Bula, Bohdan Kucyna, Lucas Bula, Dmitri Pidvysocky, Diana Kozenyatko, Natalia Bula, Adam Bis, Juliette Louer, Ivan Durbak (USCAK), Ariadna Louer, Roman Rakoczy, Daria Gural, Don Kopach, Yurko Sawchak (tournament director).

KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Soyuzivka Heritage Center was again the site of an USCAK-East tennis tournament. Held during the weekend of June 30-July 1, this 62nd annual tournament will be remembered as probably the hottest in the history of the event, with temperatures on the courts reaching over 100 degrees which made the competition very challenging for the players.

The tournament was conducted in singles and doubles events, with a total of eight categories. Many of the players were part of the staff and campers of the Soyuzivka Tennis Camp being held at this same time.

During the closing ceremonies, trophies funded by the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada (known by its Ukrainian-based acronym as USCAK) were presented by Ivan Durbak and Yurko (George) Sawchak of the USCAK Tennis Committee.

The next USCAK tennis tournament will be held at Soyuzivka during Labor Day weekend. For entry information, readers are advised to go to the USCAK website, www.USCAK.org, or Soyuzivka’s website, www.soyuzivka.com, or to contact Mr. Sawchak at 215-266-3943.