December 8, 2015

We thank you!


As we near the end of 2015, it is a fitting time to thank those who have supported our work here at The Ukrainian Weekly, indeed, those who have made this newspaper possible.

First of all, our gratitude is due to our loyal subscribers – many of whom have been with us for decades. Your ongoing support means a lot to us and your subscriptions – print, online or, best of all, both – are crucial in ensuring that The Weekly continues to fulfill its founding mission, which is to tell the world the truth about Ukraine and Ukrainians, as well as its role as a network that keeps us all in touch and engaged in our Ukrainian community life.

Second, we thank all our correspondents. Of course, we mean our regular correspondents in several major cities of the Ukrainian diaspora, those we know we can count on to report the major news and developments from their areas. There are also our regular columnists and commentators, whose contributions enhance The Weekly.

But perhaps the most important of our correspondents are those local community leaders and activists who feel a sense of duty to share the news from their “hromady” in order to let others know about their endeavors. Your dedication is very much appreciated. We especially thank those who value The Weekly as a historical record by sending in information not only about upcoming events (for our listings in “Preview of Events” and “Out & About”) but also follow through by letting readers know how these events turned out. Thank you for working with us and confirming that The Weekly is our community’s top newspaper.

Third, as always, we are thankful to those who contribute to The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund. We are pleased to see that there are many of you! Among our regular supporters is a perennial donor, Self Reliance (New York) Federal Credit Union, which has made major donations to this newspaper and our sister publication, Svoboda. But we hasten to add that we are grateful for all donations, large and small, because each and every one is indicative of support for this newspaper and the public’s desire to see it continue its work.

At the same time, we thank those who donated to the Publication Endowment Fund established in May of 2014 by the Ukrainian National Association to support its two newspapers. (The UNA donated $10,000 of seed money for the fund.) Our benefactors play a role in securing the future of The Weekly and Svoboda, by donating to the endowment fund via the UNA’s charitable arm, the Ukrainian National Foundation.

Fourth, we thank our advertisers. By placing your ads in our newspaper you not only let readers know about your valuable services and products, or worthwhile events, but you support the publication of The Ukrainian Weekly with your advertising dollars. Consider it money well spent!

Finally, we thank our publisher, the Ukrainian National Association, our administration (which today consists of one person doing three jobs) and our editorial and production staff (two editors, one part-time editorial assistant, one layout/design artist and a webmaster we share with Svoboda). These are the folks, all devoted members of our community, who ensure The Weekly’s publication each and every week.

Thank you all for your assistance, cooperation, participation and benefaction in 2015.