November 20, 2015

When Ukrainian Canadians lost the right to vote


Courtesy of MST Bronze Ltd.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier, sculpted by Jose Lobo Fernandes.

It was done in wartime.

Opposition to conscription had plunged Canada into crisis.

So the government of Prime Minister Robert Borden acted, divisively and duplicitously, pandering to patriotism while playing on prejudice, giving yet taking.

Just before the Dominion’s 13th federal election, in 1917, the Tories passed two bills, The Wartime Elections Act and The Military Voters Act. The former gave wives, widows, mothers and sisters of soldiers serving overseas with the Canadian Expeditionary Force the right to vote, for the first time. But that very same legislation also disenfranchised “enemy-aliens,” meaning anyone naturalized after March 31, 1902. Thousands of Ukrainians and other Europeans who had been lured to this country with promises of freedom and free land were cynically betrayed.

The other act gave the vote to every soldier, regardless of how long a man had lived in Canada. Soldiers’ ballots let them vote for the Borden government or the Liberal opposition, headed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. If an enlistment constituency was specified the vote was counted there. If not, soldiers’ votes were assigned to any riding the governing party picked. As some 90 percent of the soldiers’ votes were pro-government, because the government was pro-conscription, the Unionists won “the khaki election” handily, taking some two-thirds of all seats. By resorting to this chicanery, however, the Tories alienated many French Canadians, and “ethnics,” for decades following. Intriguingly, while the “most bitter” election in Canadian history is generally remembered because some women got the right to vote, who lost that franchise is generally forgotten.

Laurier lost too, but not before he offered a caution about the harmful consequences of his opponents’ machinations. Rising in the House of Commons on September 10, 1917 he forewarned: “Let not this franchise be extended in the manner proposed, at the expense of removing the franchise from those who now have it. Let it not be done by depriving any of our people of rights and privileges which have always been sacred under the British Constitution. Do you believe that when our Canadian immigration agents will go to the Balkan states, among the Galicians, Bukovynians and Rumanians, that these races will be disposed to come to this country, when they know that Canada has not kept its pledges and promises to the people from foreign countries who have settled in our midst? For my part, I hope that it is not too late for Parliament to pause, and to consider the bad precedent it is establishing, which must be far-reaching in its consequences. …If it be said in Canada that the pledges which we have given to immigrants when inviting them to come to this country to settle with us, can be broken with impunity, that we will not trust these men, and that we will not be true to the promise which we made to them, then I despair for the future of this country.”

Likewise, on September 8, 1917, Kingston’s Daily British Whig admonished: “It is very probable that if this proposal becomes law, the ‘alleged’ foreigners and hitherto ‘naturalized’ Canadians will bear their reproach meekly, but they will have sown in their hearts the seeds of a bitterness that can never be extirpated. The man whose honor has been mistrusted, and who has been singled out for national humiliation, will remember it and sooner or later it will have to be atoned for.”

On November 20, 2015, Laurier’s birthday, a bronze bust and plaque inscribed with his enduring caveat will be unveiled in Ottawa at the Laurier House National Historic Site by his descendant, Louise Laurier. Ukrainian Canadians and representatives of other ethnocultural communities that suffered disenfranchisement and other state-sanctioned censures a century ago, not because of anything they had done wrong but only because of where they had come from, who they were, shall bear witness.

These Canadians have not forgotten a Liberal prime minister who believed “Canada is free and freedom is its nationality,” and who, when challenging the anti-Catholic, anti-Francophone and anti-immigrant bigotry that flared during the contentious 1895 Manitoba Schools Question, advised: “I would try the sunny way… of patriotism… be just, be fair, and be generous to the minority, in order that we may have peace among all creeds and races which it has pleased God to bring upon this corner of our common country.”

Thankfully, Laurier’s words have echoed forward to regain their currency in our time.

Lubomyr Luciuk is a professor of political geography at the Royal Military College of Canada and a member of the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.