September 25, 2020

Why no names on Trump ad?


Dear Editor:

I was startled to find a full-page ad from “Ukrainian Americans for Trump” (August 30/September 6 issue) with a photo of the president with his trademark thumbs-up salute. Unlike in the ad several issues back by “Ukrainian Americans for Biden,” which listed the names of well over 100 supporters, this one listed no names whatsoever, but it did provide a website for more information. I went on that website as well as on several others for this organization, but could not find a single name listed.

Now, I know that Ukrainian Americans for Trump do exist because there is one fervent supporter of Donald Trump in the weekend tennis group of which I am a member. So why would there be no names associated with this ad, and none listed on their website? Just wondering.

Leo M. Chalupa
Great Falls, Va.