November 13, 2020

Will Biden lift sanctions on Nord Stream 2?


Dear Editor:

The November 5 issue of The Ukrainian Weekly featured an RFE/RL analysis “U.S. Congressional Ukraine Caucus worried Nord Stream 2 sanctions bill could be dropped.”

This is a disconcerting development because, as members of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus have noted, any attempt to include language that waters down current U.S. sanctions against Nord Stream 2 will be detrimental to Ukraine’s interests and undo President Donald Trump’s efforts to halt construction of the pipeline. If a revised version of the bill passes, it will do irreparable harm to Ukraine and, at the same time, put Germany and Europe in a position to be permanently blackmailed by Vladimir Putin and Russia.

The Congressional Ukraine Caucus and the Ukrainian diaspora must exert all their influence to stop this effort or at the minimum defer a decision on the bill to the next Congress and administration. It will be the perfect opportunity for Joe Biden to show where he really stands on Ukraine. In other words, will he cave in to the Democrats who are pushing for a laxer sanctions regime and throw Ukraine under the bus? Or will he veto any such attempt and throw his weight behind Ukraine?

This will be a crucial test for the new president because it will clearly tell the world whether improving relations with decadent Germany and help Russia to maintain a stranglehold on Europe is more important than backing Ukraine’s interests.

Jaroslaw Martyniuk