October 16, 2015

World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations meets in Stockholm


Delegates and guests at the annual general meeting of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO).

STOCKHOLM – The World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO) held its 2015 annual general meeting in Stockholm, on September 3-5. Over 50 participants, including 20 official delegates from member organizations and guests from 12 countries, including Ukraine and Sweden, took part in reviewing the previous year, discussing current issues, and planning the WFUWO’s way forward.

The official opening of the meeting took place on the evening of September 3, in the Lidingo City Hall auditorium. WFUWO President Orysia Sushko welcomed all present, including the ambassador of Ukraine in Sweden, Ihor Sagach. Ambassador Sagach warmly welcomed WFUWO to Sweden, emphasizing the critical work of Ukrainian women around the world and their contribution to global peace.

Logo of the 2015 annual general meeting of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations, which was held in Stockholm.

Logo of the 2015 annual general meeting of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations, which was held in Stockholm.

WFUWO President Orysia Sushko presented a figurine of Princess Olha to Ambassador Sagach as a symbol of deep appreciation for his support of WFUWO and recognition of his significant contribution to the development of positive relations between Ukraine and Sweden. The evening ended with an enjoyable tribute concert, “Rode Nash Krasnyi.”

On September 4, the WFUWO president reported the previous year’s activities. Subsequently, WFUWO delegates from each of the 12 countries represented shared reports of their activities for the past year.

As reported, Ukrainian women’s organizations around the world are directing most of their energies toward raising funds for the rehabilitation of soldiers wounded in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, support for families of those killed and wounded, the collection and distribution of humanitarian aid and protective equipment, as well as organizing demonstrations and actively disseminating truthful information about Ukraine.

The following day, a detailed report was presented outlining the WFUWO’s activities at the United Nations in New York and Geneva. A panel discussion, titled, “Tasks of WFUWO in the context of the current aggression in Ukraine: Opinions and proposals for strategic cooperation within WFUWO,” stimulated much constructive discussion among participants.

The third and final day of the meeting included a roundtable on “Current issues of concern to women’s organizations in the diaspora and cooperation with Ukraine.” Concrete plans of action were established for further development.

Prior to the annual general meeting, a WFUWO delegation met with representatives of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ms. Sushko presented a letter on behalf of Ukrainian women of the world, requesting the minister’s assistance and intervention in securing the freedom of Ukrainian political prisoners Nadiya Savchenko, Oleh Sentsov, Oleksander Kolchenko and others illegally imprisoned in Russia. Other critical topics were also addressed, including gender equality in Ukraine.

During the course of the WFUWO meeting, a delegation visited the Embassy of Ukraine in Sweden. Ambassador Sagach explained the historical ties between Ukraine and Sweden, noting that Swedish media are not influenced by the pressure from Russian propaganda in their reporting about Ukraine. The ambassador acknowledged the critical role of the Ukrainian community in Sweden.

WFUWO President Orysia Sushko presents a figurine of Princess Olha to Ambassador Ihor Sagach, Ukraine’s envoy to Sweden.

WFUWO President Orysia Sushko presents a figurine of Princess Olha to Ambassador Ihor Sagach, Ukraine’s envoy to Sweden.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the delegates and participants expressed their gratitude to Ms. Orysia Sushko for her leadership. President Sushko expressed her gratitude to Zoriana Kiktso, president of the Association of Ukrainian Women in Scandinavia, and local members for their efforts in organizing the WFUWO 2015 annual general meeting in Stockholm. President Sushko presented Ms. Kiktso with a figurine of St. Olha, in recognition of her leadership.

Established in 1948 in Philadelphia by 10 women’s organizations, the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations is now based in Toronto, and unites 29 organizations from 18 countries found on four continents.