A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Summertime activities cap off year for members of Plast Scouting Organization

by Roman Juzeniw

NEW YORK - Summertime is traditionally a very active season for members of the Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, which boasts a diverse selection of camps for its members of all ages.

Camps for Plast "novatstvo" (children age 7-11) and "yunatstvo" (youths age 11-18) are being held on July 7-28 at the Novyi Sokil campsite in North Collins, N.Y., and at Vovcha Tropa in East Chatham, N.Y. Camps will be held also at Owasippe and Zelenyi Yar campgrounds in Michigan on July 8-22.

The following specialized camps are also planned for this summer:

Instructor camps are being planned as follows:

In addition, the Zolota Bulava leadership camp will take place in Canada from June 30 to July 8, and a Family Camp for Plast members and their families will be held at Thousands Islands in Ontario on August 11-18.

As emphasized by Marta Kuzmowycz, national commander for yunatstvo in the U.S., "Participation in Plast summer camps is the culmination of the year's Plast activities for novatsvo and yunatsvo and allows them to utilize their scouting skills and knowledge in the outdoors."

Additional information and camp applications may be obtained at the local Plast branches or from the National Plast Command headquarters at 140 Second Ave., New York, NY 10003. The official Plast website - www.plast.org - also has updated information about this summer's camps, as well as additional contact information for each camp.

A Ukrainian Summer (main page)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 6, 2001, No. 18, Vol. LXIX

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