A Ukrainian Summer

Supplement to The Ukrainian Weekly, May 6, 2001

We knew it was coming when the spring peepers (a.k.a. treefrogs, a member of the Hylidae family) emerged in the little pond that appears during the wet seasons in the wooded area near our office. The chorus of frogs is one of the first harbingers of spring in these parts, so we knew summer would be here soon. Time, then, to work on our annual supplement titled "A Ukrainian Summer."

And here it is. Our lead stories cover two major events - or more precisely series of events - that have worldwide significance: Pope John Paul II's first visit to Ukraine in June and celebrations in Ukraine of the 10th anniversary of independence in August.

For those who want something a little different and off the beaten track, there is our centerfold feature about the resort town of Truskavets in western Ukraine.

This special supplement also covers the old stand-bys that make summer what it is: the camps and workshops sponsored by the Ukrainian American Youth Association (SUM), the Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, the Sitch sports club, the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and the Voloshky Dance Ensemble.

Also covered are favorite Ukrainian summer destinations such as Hunter, N.Y., Soyuzivka and the SUM resort in Ellenville, N.Y. Add to that mix a glimpse of some of the Ukrainian festivals, conferences, sports tournaments and various esoteric events that span the months from May through September ... and there you have it: a complete and colorful Ukrainian summer. Enjoy!

A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 6, 2001, No. 18, Vol. LXIX

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