A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Ukrainian topics at U. of Illinois

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The University of Illinois is offering its annual Summer Research Laboratory on Russia and Eastern Europe on June 11 through August 3. Associates are given full library privileges to conduct research in the University Library, which holds the largest Slavic collection west of Washington and is staffed by Slavic reference librarians.

Beyond research opportunities, the lab offers programs that include the annual summer symposium - this year focusing on "Reassessing Post-Communist Presidencies in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union," (June 23) - and a research workshop (June 18-29), which provides practical information on conducting research in the region.

Other activities include thematic/regional workshops and discussion groups, lectures and films.

This 2001 Summer Research Lab oratory will include the 20th annual International Conference on Ukrainian Subjects organized by the Ukrainian Research Program at the University of Illinois. The conference dates are June 18-23 (Monday through Saturday).

The main theme of the conference will be "Ten Years of Independence of Ukraine." Each of the six days will be devoted to a general topic. The following areas will be covered: politics and government, social life and conditions, economic development, language and literature, education and scholarship, historical and cultural research, and Ukraine and the diaspora.

For further information contact Prof. Dmytro Shtohryn, Chairman, 104 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth St., Champaign, IL 61820; e-mail. [email protected]; telephone, (217) 356-9195; fax, (217) 356-7982.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 6, 2001, No. 18, Vol. LXIX

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