Ukraine stands together with America: Commemorating the tragic events of September 11

Below is the text of a statement issued on September 11 by the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States.

The tragic events of September 11, 2001, made this date one of the saddest and most tragic anniversaries of mankind. On this solemn day, the Ukrainian people stand together with American friends in commemorating the victims of attacks that took thousands of lives.

Ukrainians are profoundly impressed by the dignity and courage of the American people who withstood and responded to the attacks not only against America, but also against universal democratic values and principles. The terrorists challenged not only the United States, but the whole international community.

Today, as a year ago, Ukraine stands together with the United States in struggle against the international terrorism. Since the very beginning Ukraine provided its assistance to the operations against terrorists in Afghanistan. Ukraine opened its airspace to aircrafts of the international coalition, which crossed Ukraine's airspace more than 3,000 times. The Ukrainian military and transport aviation have been enabled to accomplish our common goal, and we hope to provide further assistance in this struggle against evil.

The president of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, expressed his condolences to the people of the United States of America. On September 10, during his meeting with Carlos Pascual, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, President Kuchma emphasized that these tragic events joined the efforts of advanced world in fighting terrorism for the sake of humane values. The president of Ukraine underlined that Ukrainian-American relations of a strategic partnership served as a decisive factor for providing support for United States endeavors to fight international terrorism. He also expressed the willingness of the Ukrainian nation to remain an active participant of the anti-terrorist coalition in terms of its state policy, as well as in terms of Ukraine's readiness to make a real contribution to the fight against international terrorism.

Today, on September 11, 2002, the members of the Parliament of Ukraine opened its first session with a minute of silence in remembrance of the victims of the September 11 acts of terror in the United States. The Ukrainian Parliament released a statement on the occasion of the first anniversary of those tragic events.

Taking into account the lessons of the September tragedy, Ukrainian parliamentarians drew the attention of the global community to the importance of consolidation and reinforcement of efforts to overcome the global challenges of the 21st century.

In Kyiv a series of events were held in commemoration of September 11, among which are a memorial concert and photography exhibitions, among them the photo exhibit "America: Still Life II" by Ukrainian photographer Ivan Dudkin, which opened in Kyiv yesterday. Countless articles, TV programs and talk shows centered on the expression of solidarity by Ukraine and its people with the United States. The requiem concert organized by the Embassy of the United States in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ukrainian TV Company ICTV and the newspaper Fakty in commemoration of the victims of 9/11 will take place at the National Opera of Ukraine.

At this time of remembrance and mourning, Ukrainians stand with the great American nation, with all people of good will throughout the world.

OSCE statement on solemn anniversary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 15, 2002, No. 37, Vol. LXX

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