Seven decades of The Ukrainian Weekly

by Stefan Kaczaraj
UNA President

On October 6, 2003, The Ukrainian Weekly will celebrate its 70th anniversary. Seventy years ago in October the first issue of The Ukrainian Weekly appeared as a supplement to the 40-year-old Ukrainian-language Svoboda; later it emerged as an independent newspaper.

The mission of the paper was dual: to keep Ukrainian American youth involved in the Ukrainian community by preventing total assimilation into the American melting pot and to disseminate to the world the truth about Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Weekly performed a tremendous job in defending Ukrainian immigrants from accusations of being pro-Nazi and fascist. The Weekly also fought against the Communist-instigated disinformation campaign aimed at Ukrainians.

From its inception to the present day, the paper serves all readers who are interested in Ukraine and Ukrainians. Every member of the U.S. Congress receives a free copy of the paper.

In seven decades The Ukrainian Weekly has expanded from a four-page tabloid-format newspaper to regular issues that are as large as 24 and 28 pages (and special issues as large as 56 pages). By growing both ideologically and in the number of its pages, the paper has become a powerful organ in our community and among Americans. Since the re-establishment of Ukraine's independence, it can be said without exaggeration that The Ukrainian Weekly has become the voice of Ukrainian diaspora in the West.

On behalf of the Executive Committee and General Assembly of Ukrainian National Association Inc., I would like to extend to the editors, contributors and readers of The Ukrainian Weekly best wishes of good health and success in all your future endeavors.

Ukrainian World Coordinating Council

Dear Editorial Staff of The Ukrainian Weekly and Readers:

On behalf of the Ukrainian World Coordinating Council, I would like to extend our best wishes to Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz of The Ukrainian Weekly and the paper's editorial staff on the occasion of the publication's 70th anniversary.

The Ukrainian Weekly is among the first English-language Ukrainian publications that gave voice to Ukrainian immigrants in the United States. Founded in 1933, The Weekly was a contemporary of the Famine-Genocide in Ukraine; from its inception through today The Weekly has told the truth about those horrible years endured by the Ukrainian nation.

The Weekly's readership is continually growing. Its subscribers are found not only in the United States and Canada but around the world: in India and Australia, South America and Europe. The Ukrainian National Association, publisher of The Ukrainian Weekly, should be commended for seeing to it that copies of The Weekly are sent to every member of the U.S. Congress. This assures that government leaders are fully informed about the life of the Ukrainian diaspora community. Moreover, with the advent of Ukraine's independence, there has been an increase in the number of non-Ukrainian readers of The Weekly, particularly among scholars, politicians, economists and businessmen

Your newspaper has always taken the priorities and needs of its readers into account. On the basis of surveys, you learned that their greatest interest is in news and developments in Ukraine and that is why you established your press bureau in Kyiv. The paper's features, such as the year-in-review issues, continue to be popular among readers.

The Ukrainian American community is grateful to The Ukrainian Weekly for the objective reporting and information it has published throughout the 70 years of its existence, as well as for the newspaper's role in disseminating information about Ukraine and Ukrainian diaspora organizations in the United States and other countries.

The UWCC highly values your contribution toward the process of consolidating Ukrainians worldwide, promotion of a positive image of Ukraine, and reporting on the life of Ukrainian diaspora communities worldwide. Your publication is a model for other newspapers. May you be successful in your endeavors! May the number of your readers continue to grow!

Best wishes for good health and good fortune to you, your families and those dear to you, and creative success!


Mykhailo Horyn
Ukrainian World Coordinating Council

Embassy of Ukraine in the United States

Dear Ms. Hadzewycz:

It is my great honor to extend my hearty greetings to the editorial staff on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly.

I would like to express sincere gratitude for your continued and unwavering interest and commitment to Ukraine and its people. During many years your publishing house has been known as a team of professionals and like-minded persons, whose efforts contribute to learning about Ukraine in the U.S.A., and render a great service to our country and the Ukrainian nation.

I wish you all every success in your creative labor, high prestige and a considerable quantity of readers not only in the U.S.A. but also all over the world, including Ukraine.


Volodymyr Yatsenkivskyi
Chargé d'Affaires
Embassy of Ukraine in the U.S.A.

Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell

Dear Editor:

Throughout The Ukrainian Weekly's 70 years of service, you have provided a valuable service by bringing to the attention of Ukrainian Americans and other interested Americans news about Ukraine, aswell as the Ukrainian American community, including in my home state of Colorado. Since its inception, The Ukrainian Weekly has provided solid information together with insightful commentary on the struggle of the people of Ukraine to regain their independence, and forge a nation based on the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

The Ukrainian Weekly also serves as a vital channel for informing the Ukrainian-American community about congressional actions affecting Ukraine, thus building support for various initiatives in the Congress. I appreciate the extensive coverage and editorial support you have given to Senate Resultion 202 on the 70th anniversary of the genocidal Ukraine Famine. Your newspaper has also been instrumental in familiarizing its readers with other efforts of the Helsinki Commission, including the commission's work in supportingthe aspirations of Ukrainians to live with dignity in peace and prosperity.

I commend you and your staff for your dedication and commitment in putting out a first-rate newspaper and express my best wishes for your continued success.

Ben Nighthorse Campbell
U.S. Senate
Co-Chairman of the Helsinki Commission

New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey

Dear Friends:

For 70 years, The Ukrainian Weekly has set an excellent standard in informing citizens of important news, enhancing civic awareness and providing a lasting public service. The readers of The Ukrainian Weekly are indeed blessed to have had so fine a newspaper serving their community for so many years.

As the governor of a state with a large and active Ukrainian American population, I recognize the value of keeping all citizens up-to-date on breaking news items and topical issues. The Ukrainian Weekly has long provided a critical service through its coverage of important political, legal and cultural issues.

Within the state of New Jersey, Ukrainian Americans have become an integral component of our continually growing global community. Indeed, as our world becomes closer through the use of modern communications and transportation, it is imperative that all nations and people strive to become part of this global community. The Ukrainian Weekly has been and will continue to be instrumental in this process.

Once again, congratulations to the entire Ukrainian Weekly staff as the newspaper celebrates its 70th anniversary. Please accept my best wishes for continued success in providing excellent news coverage throughout the future years. It is only through the continued concern and commitment of organizations such as The Ukrainian Weekly that we may hope to provide a better quality of life.

With all good wishes,

James E. McGreevey
Governor of New Jersey

Our Ukraine Coalition

Dear Friends:

On behalf of "Nasha Ukraina" (Our Ukraine), I am honored to congratulate The Ukrainian Weekly - as the most influential and respected newspaper of the Ukrainian diaspora that is published in the language - on the 70th anniversary of its founding.

Your publication is read by Ukrainians in different countries all over the world.

We appreciate your professionalism, patriotism and efforts to preserve the Ukrainian word, history, traditions and culture. I am sure the position of your newspaper has contributed a lot to Ukrainian independence, and helped Ukraine to realize itself as an independent country.

We wish the newspaper and its editorial board professional success, enlargement of your audience and financial stability. May your families be happy!


Viktor Yushchenko
Our Ukraine Coalition

National Rukh of Ukraine

Dear Friends:

The appearance of The Ukrainian Weekly at the most tragic time for the Ukrainian nation, 1933 , was a challenge to the totalitarian Communist regime. You were one of the first to inform the Western world about the realities of the "bright" future being built in the USSR, at the cost of the Famine-Genocide that took the lives of millions of Ukrainians. Thanks to you, the world learned about the struggle of Ukrainian patriots to free Ukraine from the Communist regime.

With the renewal of Ukraine's independence in 1991, your newspaper continued to play a key role in the Ukrainian information sphere; it is one of the leading printed mass information media that - today as so many years ago in 1933 - continues to objectively report on events both inside and related to our young state.

On behalf of the National Rukh of Ukraine, and myself personally, I sincerely greet The Ukrainian Weekly with this noteworthy date - the 70th anniversary of its founding. I wish your editorial staff inspiration, creative successes, growth and further progress.

May God bless all your endeavors and ideas!


Borys Tarasyuk
National Rukh of Ukraine

Ukrainian American Coordinating Council

Dear Editor:

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly, we commend The Weekly staff for its dedication and hard work. You have created a newspaper of record that not only serves to inform the Ukrainian diaspora, the U.S. government and the people of Ukraine about issues important to all of us, but one that also provides vital support to civic organizations such as ours to carry out our mission.

Ihor Gawdiak
Ukrainian American Coordinating Council

Ukrainian National Women's League of America

Dear Editor:

As president of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America Inc., I am writing this letter to offer my personal congratulations as well as to extend best wishes from the members of our organization to The Ukrainian Weekly and its wonderful staff on the occasion of The Weekly's 70th anniversary.

The Ukrainian Weekly is a publication that reflects some of the best work of the Ukrainian community in the diaspora. For 70 years it has served the community as a source of information unavailable in any other publication, as a forum for readers and correspondents to air their concerns and opinions about issue of concern to our community, and as a public service instrument that has rallied the community to support various causes.

In every issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, we find informative articles on people and events that touch our lives and the lives of those in our ancestral home. It is a newspaper that connects the past to present, the East to the West, and the traditional with the innovative.

The UNWLA is especially grateful to Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz for her role in defining and directing The Ukrainian Weekly. Under her tenure as editor The Ukrainian Weekly has proved time and again that it is a newspaper that has the power not only to inform but to influence and challenge its readers in countless ways.

The UNWLA relationship with The Ukrainian Weekly has a long history, and we are also grateful to Ms. Hadzewycz for her constant support of our organization and its activities. The numerous articles about our programs and events that have been published in The Ukrainian Weekly have given us the opportunity to share information about our work in Ukraine and in the diaspora with the Ukrainian community.

We extend sincere wishes for The Ukrainian Weekly's continued success and we celebrate your extraordinary achievements. Mnohaya Lita!

Iryna Kurowyckyj
Ukrainian National Women's League of America

Ukrainian American Veterans

Dear Editor:

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly, I would like to extend best wishes from the Ukrainian American Veterans (UAV.)

The Ukrainian Weekly has been an important means of communication and information-sharing for all Ukrainian Americans. Its distribution to the U.S. Congress helps to provide visibility for our community and its organizations.

The UAV appreciates the cooperation we have received from The Weekly staff in covering our activities. We congratulate you on your accomplishments and wish you much success in the coming years.

Mathew Koziak
National Commander
Ukrainian American Veterans

Ukrainian Medical Association of North America

Dear Editor:

The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) congratulates the staff and leadership of The Ukrainian Weekly on the occasion of its 70th anniversary of publication. The Ukrainian Weekly represents a vital link between our Ukrainian diaspora in the United States and Canada, and the English-speaking milieu in which we are so deeply embedded. The Weekly proudly maintains an enviable channel of communication not only for news - it facilitates dialogue on various topics of competing social and political points of view.

The Ukrainian Weekly is our reflection to the outside world. The articles we submit inform not only the Ukrainian readership, but an expanding array of other interested readers as well. The Weekly establishes an indelible historical record, a resource of facts and attitudes. The power of the written word is accessible to anyone willing to devote the time to literally "address the issues." UMANA has tried it, and we see that it works.

We wish The Ukrainian Weekly continued reportorial success and informational relevance. We firmly believe that the place to go for news about our diverse community is, and will remain, The Ukrainian Weekly.

George Hrycelak, MD
Executive Director
Ukrainian Medical Association of North America

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies

Dear Editor:

The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies extends warm greetings to The Ukrainian Weekly on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.

The Ukrainian Weekly has a long and impressive record of providing the general public with accurate information in English concerning Ukrainian matters. This objective is also a major focus of CIUS activity, particularly through the CIUS Press (a foremost publisher of English-language works in the West on Ukraine) and the Encyclopedia of Ukraine project (now evolving on the Internet).

We wish The Weekly continued success and ongoing support from its readership.

Dr. Zenon E. Kohut, CIUS Director
Dr. Serhii Plokhy, CIUS Acting Director
Dr. Frank E. Sysyn, Head of CIUS Toronto Office
Roman Senkus, CIUS Director of Publications
Dr. Marko R. Stech, CIUS Press and IEU Managing Director
Dr. Bohdan Klid, CIUS Assistant Director
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies

Shevchenko Scientific Society (U.S.A.)

Dear Editor:

For an institution or a publication to celebrate its 70th anniversary is indeed a very happy event. The Ukrainian community on this continent is fortunate that for the last 70 years The Ukrainian Weekly continues to provide relevant news about Ukraine and Ukrainians throughout the world. The information stored on your pages will also serve as a chronological record about us.

We wish The Ukrainian Weekly many decades of continued growth and service to the community.

Larissa M.L.Z. Onyshkevych
Shevchenko Scientific Society (U.S.A.)

Editor's note: More anniversary greetings will appear in next week's issue.



Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 5, 2003, No. 40, Vol. LXXI

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