U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

Dear Editor:

On behalf of the American Embassy in Ukraine, I would like to congratulate The Ukrainian Weekly on 70 years of service to the Ukrainian American community and to all those who care about Ukraine. Over the years, you have raised many important issues and helped maintain ties between Americans and Ukrainians even during the darkest periods of history since 1933.

May your independent and responsible voice continue to be heard for many years to come.

John E. Herbst
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine

Ukraine's Consul General in New York

Dear Ms. Hadzewycz:

Dear staff of The Ukrainian Weekly:

On behalf of the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York please accept my sincere greetings on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly newspaper.

Today it is impossible to imagine the Ukrainian community without The Ukrainian Weekly. I hope it is a very happy and auspicious day for the newspaper and its contributors.

I would like to wish you all the best in performing your complex duties and do hope that your joint endeavors will contribute to the social and cultural development of the Ukrainian community in the U.S.

On this special occasion, I wish all of you new successes, happiness and health.

Serhii Pohoreltsev
Consul General
Consulate General of Ukraine in New York

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Dear Editor:

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the oldest and largest organization of the Ukrainian American community, would like to express its sincerest congratulations to The Ukrainian Weekly as it celebrates its 70th anniversary of service to the Ukrainian American community. As the first English-language Ukrainian newspaper, The Ukrainian Weekly has played an essential role in informing generations of the plight of our Ukrainian nation and the important work of the organized Ukrainian American community.

This year the Ukrainian American community is also marking the 70th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 19332-1933. The Ukrainian Weekly must be lauded for bringing this historic tragedy to the forefront of the American people's awarness, which helped shape congressional opinion to ensure that this heinous crime did not go unnoticed. The professional coverage of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide on the pages of The Ukrainian Weekly helped to expose the true nature of the Communist regime.

The UCCA expresses its gratitude to The Ukrainian Weekly for its coverage over the past seven decades of events important to the Ukrainian American community. As the official news periodical of the Ukrainian National Association, your coverage has kept the traditions of the Ukrainian nation alive and has honored the nation in which we reside by upholding the principle of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution - freedom of speech.

May The Ukrainian Weekly continue its true stewardship in the Ukrainian American community for countless years to come.

On behalf of the Executive Board of the UCCA:

Michael Sawkiw, Jr.

Marie Duplak
Executive Secretary

Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations

Dear Roma and all at The Ukrainian Weekly:

On behalf of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations it gives me great pleasure in extending our heartiest congratulations to all at The Ukrainian Weekly on the occasion of your 70th anniversary.

Seventy years of serving the community is a great achievement.

The media play a crucial role in any society. Delivering information, reporting and making comment in a meaningful and relevant way is even more important.

The Ukrainian Weekly continues to deliver balanced local and homeland news. At times the news and comments are challenged, which in turn makes community leaders and members evaluate and reassess their positions. This makes for vibrant and stimulating discussion and community-building. Through this process political leaders and community leaders are also held accountable.

Providing information about Ukraine, Ukrainians and Ukrainian communities remains an important element of growing as a nation and as a community, wherever we may live.

Over the years Australian Ukrainians have enjoyed a good relationship with your paper. We are extremely pleased with the sound working relationship The Ukrainian Weekly has with our community in Australia at present.

We wish you well in your endeavors and trust you will continue to serve the community well.

Na Mnohiyi Lita!

As we say Down Under: G'd on ya' Mate! Well done!

Stefan Romaniw, OAM
Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations

Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society

To The Ukrainian Weekly:

Heartiest congratulations on 70 years of service to Ukrainians worldwide. Your paper is read and admired not just by citizens of the diaspora in North America, but by many other informed and interested persons worldwide. The breadth of your reporting has never ceased to amaze me.

I wish to add a special thank you for your continuous running of articles related to philately for the past five years. This special feature of your publication has helped shed light onto many aspects of the Ukrainian heritage that your readers may not have been aware of.

Sincerest best wishes for many further successes!

Dr. Ingert Kuzych
Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society

United Ukrainian American Relief Committee

Dear Editor:

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee extend congratulations and kudos to The Ukrainian Weekly, on the occasion of its 70th anniversary, for working tirelessly to bring vital news items and interesting articles about Ukrainian subjects to those who do not read Ukrainian, thereby uniting Ukrainian-speaking and non-Ukrainian speaking readers in the diaspora.

Mnohaya Lita!

Dr. Larissa Kyj
United Ukrainian American Relief Committee Inc.

Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization

Dear Editor:

The National Executive Board of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization U.S.A. salutes and congratulates The Ukrainian Weekly on its 70th anniversary

We applaud your reporting on our youth organizations and their activities.

Mnohaya Lita!

Ihor Mykyta
President, National Executive Board
Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization - U.S.A.

Ukrainian American Youth Association

Dear Editor:

On behalf of the National Executive of the Ukrainian American Youth Association and all our members, we extend sincere greetings to the editors and staff of The Ukrainian Weekly as it marks its 70th anniversary!

You deserve to be congratulated for producing an outstanding newspaper!

Wishing you every success in the future!

Bohdan Harhaj

Iryna Liber

Ukrainian American Youth Association

The Ukrainian Museum

Dear Editor:

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly, please accept the following congratulatory greeting from The Ukrainian Museum in New York City.

The Board of Trustees and the Administration of The Ukrainian Museum extend sincere greetings to Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz and the staff of The Ukrainian Weekly on the auspicious occasion of The Weekly's 70th anniversary.

Journalistic excellence and the unfailing dedication to the interests of the Ukrainian community have been consistent factors in each issue of The Weekly for these past seven decades. The news stories and features of The Weekly have always been a reliable source of timely information about the Ukrainian experience in the United States, in Ukraine and throughout the world. Its editorials continue to be thought-provoking, challenging and inspirational. The newspaper has proven itself to be indispensable to Americans of Ukrainian descent and particularly essential today to the younger generation.

The Ukrainian Museum has figured prominently on the pages of The Weekly from the time the institution was founded in 1976. The Weekly has continually supported the museum's endeavors and especially endorsed the new building project. The Board and the Administration of The Ukrainian Museum are most grateful to The Ukrainian Weekly for helping our institution in its work: strengthening the ties of our communities to our historical and cultural legacy and sharing the past and current achievements of our people with the world.

Congratulations and best wishes to The Ukrainian Weekly!

Olha Hnateyko
President, Board of Trustees

Maria Shust

The Ukrainian Museum

Ukrainian Professionals and Businesspersons

To The Ukrainian Weekly:

The heartiest greetings and warmest congratulations to you on the occasion of your 70 years of continuous publication! You are the principal vehicle of communication for the English-speaking Ukrainian community and the diaspora; you are the center of information for our community about events from Kyiv to Melbourne; and, you are an ongoing record of our collective history for all to read today, tomorrow and a hundred years from now.

We wish you every continued success and promise to continue to support you in your proud and always productive endeavours.

Mnohaya Lita!

Lev Mazur

Bohdan Vitvitsky

Ukrainian American Professionals and Businesspersons Association of New York and New Jersey

Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America

Dear Editor:

For the past 70 years The Ukrainian Weekly has helped the Ukrainian American community to understand Ukraine and itself better and to influence the world around it, and has set a high standard of journalistic excellence in the process. On the occasion of The Weekly's 70th anniversary, the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America (UESA) extends its warmest greetings and congratulations to your current and past staffs, and wishes The Weekly continued success in the future.

Many political and social upheavals have taken place in the U.S. and Ukraine since The Weekly's first issue was published, and numerous scientific and technological advances have occurred as well. The Weekly's coverage of Ukrainian and Ukrainian American individuals who have played a key role in these advances has been of great value to the community, and provides a unique perspective on our community's achievements on the world stage.

The sociologist Marshall MacLuhan once stated that "the medium is the message." Whether one agrees with MacLuhan or not, The Weekly has provided both the medium and the message to our community for the past 70 years, and we hope it continues to do so for many more.

Andrij Wowk
Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America

U.S.-Ukraine Foundation

Dear Editor:

Congratulations to you and your talented staff on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly. I have been an avid reader of The Ukrainian Weekly for many decades and have greatly appreciated having the most up-to-date coverage on issues pertaining to Ukrainian American relations, developments in Ukraine and the achievements and highlights in the Ukrainian American community.

Throughout my teaching career at Wayne State University, the University of Michigan and the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute, I have used The Ukrainian Weekly in many instances. Now I am working at the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation in Washington and your newspaper is equally important in that it presents a realistic view of the important issues and I know that it has been a valuable resource on Capital Hill.

Your various columns and features present not only the political scene, but also the economic and cultural events and developments.

Again, congratulations on this important celebration and best wishes for continued success!


Vera Andrushkiw
Project Director, Community Partnerships Project
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation

Voice of America

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the Ukrainian Branch of the Voice of America let me extend to you our most sincere greetings on the 70th anniversary of your esteemed newspaper.

Over 70 years you have been informing the English-speaking public about Ukraine and the Ukrainian community beyond its borders. During that time you have gained the respect and admiration of your readers.

Please accept our best wishes for further success as you continue your most valued work on behalf of both our countries.

Lydia Rudins
Chief, Ukrainian Branch
Voice of America

Associated Press

Dear Colleagues:

The Kyiv Bureau of the Associated Press congratulates The Ukrainian Weekly on 70 years of dedicated coverage of Ukraine.

Tim Vickery
Kyiv Bureau correspondent
Associated Press

Kontakt Ukrainian TV Network

Dear Ms. Hadzewycz:

On this day that marks the 70th anniversary of the first publication of The Ukrainian Weekly, we extend greetings and congratulations from our personnel and correspondents from the U.S.A. and Canada. This milestone marks the excellent commitment that you, your current staff and your predecessors have made to leadership and quality journalism in our Ukrainian community in North America.

We hope that this memorable date and the emotions that accompany this occasion will provide you with additional encouragement and enthusiasm to continue your superior work for our community into the future. In light of today's major emigration from Ukraine to all parts of the world it becomes even more imperative that these new communities have an excellent standard to emulate in the field of journalism.

Jurij R. Klufas
Executive Producer
Kontakt Ukrainian TV Network


Dear Colleagues:

The Interfax-Ukraine news agency heartily congratulates the staff of The Ukrainian Weekly on the 70th anniversary of their work in the mass media!

You have a unique team of journalists and editors who are remarkable for their up-to-date style of information presentation, high intellectual level and professionalism.

Let your future decisions be wise, deeds noble, thoughts elevated, and feelings sincere and pure! Dear colleagues, we wish you prosperity, progressive ideas and the joy of their realization!

Tatyana V. Prikhodko
Deputy Director
Interfax News Agency

Ukrainian Independent Information Agency

To The Ukrainian Weekly staff:

We greet The Weekly on the occasion of its 70th jubilee. We are heartened and pleased to have such a respected and popular publication as a permanent partner.

The journalists, editors and technicians of UNIAN work diligently to provide objective information about life in Ukraine. Nonetheless, without other members of the mass media to also propagate the principles of objective journalism, that information would never get to the end user: the reader, the viewer and the listener.

For this reason, we value your work, your professionalism and your consistency. We wish you continued professional achievement, stability, staff harmony and the respect of your readership.

Oleksander Kharchenko
Ukrainian Independent Information Agency UNIAN

Essex County Clerk

Dear Ms. Hadzewycz:

It is my pleasure to congratulate The Ukrainian Weekly on the auspicious occasion of the 70th anniversary of its inception. This is a very important milestone for the Ukrainian community in North America as well as parts of the globe.

A publication such as yours informs not only Ukrainians of events affecting them directly and indirectly, but also persons of non-Ukrainian descent who are interested in current events in Ukraine, as well as the Ukrainian diaspora. I personally have read numerous issues of The Weekly and found them to be quite informative and innovative.

Congratulations on your 70th anniversary and best wishes for your continued success toward your next milestones. Keep up the good work!

Patrick J. McNally
Essex County, (N.J.) Clerk



Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 12, 2003, No. 41, Vol. LXXI

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