A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Voloshky to present eighth annual Performing Dance Academy

by Larissa Steinhagen

JENKINTOWN, Pa. The School of the Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble of Jenkintown, Pa. (near Philadelphia), will present its eighth annual Performing Dance Academy, a premier intensive, full-time program offering classes in character, ballet, choreography and performance technique. It will once again bring top-notch instructors and performers from Ukraine to give aspiring dancers a world-class training opportunity and an authentic Ukrainian cultural experience.

The 2006 Performing Dance Academy will be held on August 6-20 at the Tryzub Ukrainian American Sports Center in Horsham, Pa. The Tryzub facility offers the academy a beautiful location, allowing for adequate dance space, relaxation and meal areas, and a large outdoor stage, all surrounded by the natural beauty and fresh air of the outdoors. It provides a very welcome environment for the students. After a long and strenuous day, the students will be able to relax at fine hotel accommodations located near Tryzub.

The academy provides students six to eight hours of intensive dance training per day that includes classical ballet and character technique, followed by choreography covering several regions of Ukraine. In addition to a rigorous dance schedule, students are able to mingle and make new friends, as well as engage in organized activities during breaks between classes.

The two-week academy will culminate in a final performance during the Ukrainian Independence Day Festival at the Tryzub Ukrainian American Sports Center. Unique to this year's academy will be the students' participation in the premier "Steppes" gala event sponsored by the Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble. This captivating concert performance will include a full stage production by the Voloshky Ensemble and master violinist Vasil Popadiuk, as well as students of the academy, at the prestigious Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia. (For more information about this event see sidebar accompanying this article.)

The 2006 academy will feature professional instruction by Stepan Zabredowski and Victoria Shumilova, with musical accompaniment by Victor Guzeyev.

Mr. Zabredowski is the dean of faculty and professor at the Kyiv National University of Culture and the Arts in Ukraine. He specializes in the methodology of teaching techniques for Ukrainian dance at the professional level. Mr. Zabredowski will provide instruction in both character dance and choreography.

Ms. Shumilova is a national artist and soloist with the Virsky National Ensemble of Ukraine. Ms. Shumilova will provide instruction in both classical ballet and choreography.

Mr. Guzeyev is concertmaster with the Virsky Ensemble Symphony Orchestra in Ukraine. He specializes in Ukrainian music for character class and choreography. Mr. Guzeyev will provide musical accompaniment for all classes and performances.

Artistic direction of the academy will be overseen by Taras Lewyckyj and Oleh Goudimiak of the Voloshky Ensemble. Nina Prybolsky, academy director, has been director of the School of the Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble since 1982. Academy Managers Mark Kalyta and Larissa Steinhagen are both senior dancers with the Voloshky Ensemble.

The professional instruction offered at the academy truly makes the experience unique for dancers. They have the opportunity to work with top professionals in their field from their native Ukraine, right here in the United States. Not only do they learn skills in dance, they also learn about their culture, about their people, about discipline, about friendships, and what it means to be passionate about something you truly love.

After all the hard work, aches and pains, the dancers exhibit pure joy and pride while performing their much-anticipated choreography, decorated with colorful costumes and smiles. They learn many skills and techniques that they will utilize as future Ukrainian dancers, but more importantly, they form many wonderful lifelong memories.

For more information contact Nina Prybolsky, 215-572-1552, or Taras Lewyckyj, 215-763-8500, or e-mail [email protected].

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 7, 2006, No. 19, Vol. LXXIV

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