A Ukrainian Summer

Supplement to The Ukrainian Weekly, May 7, 2006

2006 marks the 10th year of "A Ukrainian Summer," The Ukrainian Weekly's special supplement that informs readers how they can put a little Ukrainian content into their summertime.

As usual, this special pull-out section is prepared with the cooperation and collaboration of our readers and community activists to promote the diverse activities available for participants of all ages. (A sincere thank-you is in order to all those who took heed of our advance advertisements of this issue and enriched its contents by submitting articles and photos.)

Inside this 12-page pull-out you'll find information on places to go, events to attend and activities to register for during the summer of 2006, whether in the United States, Canada or Ukraine. From destinations in Ukraine and resorts in the United States, to camps, workshops and courses throughout North America, there's plenty to do.

So, sit back and relax as you peruse the diverse offerings. And, let us be the first to wish you a wonderful "Ukrainian Summer"!

A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 7, 2006, No. 19, Vol. LXXIV

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