A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

'Tabir-Zustrich' in Carpathians brings together Ukrainian youths

by Roman Yereniuk

WINNIPEG - "Tabir-Zustrich II" presents a unique and exciting three-week experience for North American youth to travel to Ukraine and spend two weeks in a beautiful camp in the Carpathian mountains with 48 students from at least eight oblasts in Ukraine.

Camp participants will later travel for a week to seven cities in western and central Ukraine.

The camp days are based on learning or polishing up campers' knowledge of the Ukrainian language with instructors from Ukraine and becoming acquainted with the arts and culture of Ukraine through a hands-on approach. Evenings are spent singing, "vatra"-style, storytelling, producing skits and dancing.

The campers will also visit at least 20 major sites of Ukrainian church and cultural life.

Last year, at the inaugural Tabir-Zustrich, 22 students from North America and 48 from Ukraine attended. There was a staff of 10 and 120 parents. This year the numbers are expected to be similar.

The cost for Zustrich 2006 is $3,085 (Canadian) from Winnipeg and a little less from Toronto, New York, Detroit and Chicago. The camp dates are July 3 to 24.

Organizers encourage students to come and enjoy what could be the greatest three weeks in their lives: an unforgettable learning and growing holiday in Ukraine that is at once a camp (tabir) and a zustrich (get-together) with their peers in Ukraine

For information readers may contact Prof. Roman Yereniuk by calling 204-586-7089 or e-mailing [email protected].

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 7, 2006, No. 19, Vol. LXXIV

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