Sunday, December 24, 2000


Chornobyl shuts down as world watches
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Tens of thousands attend funeral services for Cardinal Lubachivsky
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Protesters erect tent towns in Kyiv as Gongadze scandal continues
by Yarema A. Bachynsky
Special to the Ukrainian Weekly

UNWLA concludes 75th anniversary celebrations
by Tamara Stadnychenko
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

'Kuchmagate' and the Ukrainian diaspora
by Taras Kuzio


Population to shrink to 49.28 million
Odesa-Gdansk pipeline is discussed
Ukraine's GDP grows by 5.4 percent
Chornobyl experts to find work in Russia?
Lazarenko says he is political prisoner
A tax break for Ukrainian
Britain ready to help Ukraine's army
Odesa among top cities for AIDS
Cabinet approves pension increase
Coal mines to be privatized in 2001
Gender gap in politics is closing slowly
Sailors return after detention in India
Communist Party most popular in poll
GUUAM to meet in Kyiv in March 2001

Verkhovna Rada approves balanced budget for 2001
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Kuchma responds to Moroz in national television broadcast
Embassy of Ukraine

Tax police raid Eastern Economist
Eastern Economist

CPJ seeks independent investigation of Gongadze case


AmCham elects new board of directors
Canadians ready to invest in gas fields
Trade volume with Canada has doubled
Kuchma supports development of K-226 helicopter
Ukrainian exports to Poland up by 70 percent
Ukraine receives support in tourism

PHOTOGRAPHIC TRIBUTE: Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky

FOR THE RECORD: UCCA and UACC comment on closure of Chornobyl

CCRF sends 27th airlift to Ukraine to coincide with Chornobyl shutdown

Ukraine's U.N. Mission celebrates Armed Forces Day with reception

Lubachivsky's legacy

Turning the pages back...
December 29, 1980

Celebrate the gift of the coming of Christ

by Myron B. Kuropas
Stay on message, Mr. Bush!

Our communities' tradition of giving

PUBLIC POLL: Ukrainians distrust their course and their helmsmen
by Jan Maksymiuk
RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report

HISTORICAL MONTAGE: The UNWLA's 75 years of activity

DATELINE NEW YORK: Christmas scenes from yesteryear
by Helen Smindak

Ukrainian American collector brings folk icons into the spotlight
by Yana Sedova
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Book launch for newly published work on Vedel is held in Edmonton
by Halyna Kotovych

Memories of a Carpathian Christmas
by Edward Andrusko

Annual "Yalynka" celebration rings in holiday season at UIA
by Deanna T. Yurchuk

NEW RELEASE: Roman Hurko's "Liturgy 2000"
by Bohdan Markiw

Yonkers SUM branch marks 50th anniversary
by Maria Kozicky

Wrong number

REFLECTIONS: Regensburg students meet at 11th reunion at Soyuzivka
by Ihor J. Masnyk

Immigrant from Lviv wins prize in 'Welcome Home' Sweepstakes

Saturday, January 6, 2001; Saturday, January 13, 2001

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 24, 2000, No. 52, Vol. LXVIII

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