Sunday, June 28, 1998

Kuchma takes the initiative, opting to govern via decree
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Verkhovna Rada paralyzed over election of chairman
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Ukrainian Canadians recall Stalin's death-by-starvation campaign
by Christopher Guly
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

ANALYSIS: Chornobyl story is far from over
by Dr. David R. Marples

New nuclear waste site being built near Chornobyl
Eastern Economist


Lawmakers protest suppression of press
Army unprepared for reduction
IMF "nearly agrees" on $2 B loan
Regular payments offered to coal industry
Donetsk miners demand back wages
U.S.-Ukraine defense agreements OK'd
New crime-fighting pistol assembled
Over 4,000 enterprises go bankrupt
Kharkiv says yes to economic zone
Deputy suspects Yeltsin has a double
Ukraine to destroy 40 strategic bombers
New bill to create free economic zones
15,000 new AIDS cases in 1997
Ukraine stresses environment to UNESCO
Ukraine establishes new diplomatic link
Ukraine opens consular office in Chile
Lybid satellite set for 1999 launch
PivdenMash assists sea launch orders
Vinnytsia plans to build helicopters

Morningstar heads delegation on fact-finding mission to Kharkiv
Embassy of Ukraine

Former press secretary now Ukraine's ambassador to Israel
by Andrij Kudla Wynnyckyj
Toronto Press Bureau

Deputy files suit for slander
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Shcherbak book is launched

UABA meeting in Chicago underscores involvement in community issues
by Marta Farion

Pope's ecumenist urges revival of Catholic-Orthodox talks
by Jerry Filteau
Catholic News Service

Colleagues and co-workers bid farewell to Svoboda editor-in-chief

Svoboda's unparalleled record

Turning the pages back...
June 28, 1996

U.S.-Ukraine community partnerships seminar in D.C. initiates new program
by Olenka Dobczanska


by Myron B. Kuropas
It's back to the future in Ukraine


Re: Bound Brook and autocephaly
About fund-raising for Kyiv cathedral

Ukrainian community hosts 36th annual Slavic Heritage Days in Houston

"Godfather of Bandura" honored by Ukrainian colleagues
by Yarema A. Bachynsky and Roman Woronowycz

Kyiv bishop blesses restored church
Agency of Religious Information

Author seeks information about pioneer cleric

Conference in New Jersey to focus on trafficking of Ukrainian women


Receives M.D. from UMDNJ
Society for Quality designates fellow
Elected to chair appraisers' board

Eparchial school to focus on diaconate

U.S. military attend medical conference in Kyiv
by Roman G. Golash

St. George Academy graduates 33

Public service announcements win advertising award in Kyiv

UCCA branch reorganized in Wilmington

Wednesday, July 1 - Wednesday, July 15

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 28, 1998, No. 26, Vol. LXVI

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