Sunday, October 24, 1999

Ukraine's seat on Security Council product of extensive lobbying effort
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Congressional hearing focuses on Ukraine's presidential election
by Yaro Bihun
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Citizens' committee fears problems on election day
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

San Francisco conference focuses on Ukraine and the West in new Millennium
by Roma Hadzewycz

Ukrainian opposition candidates fail to present a united front
by Lily Hyde
RFE/RL Newsline

Kaniv coalition to name candidate on October 25
Eastern Economist

OSCE condemns grenade attack


Belarusian opposition leader visits Kyiv
Council of Europe chastises Ukraine
Kostenko will not support Kuchma or left
Kuchma faces impeachment threat
Chornobyl to operate until summer
Kuchma: Symonenko is main rival
OSCE establishes election mission
Kyiv criticizes PACE report
Sailors to face trial in Houston
Crew of cargo plane granted bail
Kurultai agrees to support Udovenko
UT-1 cited as biggest law offender
Moroz fails to get air time on TV

Kaniv Four claim provocation, stall on final announcement of candidate
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Sea Launch finally takes off
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Ukraine to play Slovenia
Eastern Economist

New York City launch for publication "Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova"
by Irene Jarosewich

BOOK NOTE: Major genealogical reference book released

U.S. Embassy comments on Ukraine's Y2K problem
Eastern Economist

Solemn march to recall Famine

The voice that matters

Turning the pages back...
October 20, 1962

Alexander Yanata, dedicated botanist repressed for 'bourgeois nationalism'
by Danylo Kulyniak

NEWS AND VIEWS: What can and what should the diaspora try to do for Ukraine?
by Alexandra Isaievych Mason

Reunion of Bayreuth Gymnasium recalls bond among students, staff
by DMZ

Three generations attend 50th anniversary tribute to New York's School of Ukrainian Studies
by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj

Greetings from the governor

A reminiscence: the early years at New York's "Shkola Ukrainoznavstva"
by Marta Baczynsky

Commemorative book celebrates school's golden anniversary

Library is integral component of School of Ukrainian Studies
by Yuri Yanchyshyn

Modernizing the school
- Yuri Yanchyshyn

Renovated school library holds open house on reunion day
by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj

DATELINE NEW YORK: A great start for 1999-2000
by Helen Smindak

New French film offers a version of Soviet reality under Stalin
by Andrij Makuch

Retrospective exhibit of work by Hutsaliuk opens at UIA


New Jersey Youth Symphony to present challenging repertoire under Bryttan's baton

Archaelogist to speak on exhibit of Scythian gold from Ukraine
by Marta Baczynsky

'Ukrainian Pompeii': Medieval Khersones revisited in a lecture/slide presentation
by Marta Baczynsky

TWG offers free memberships to 10 students

Ukrainian troupe participates in Munich's Oktoberfest


Father Bohdan Lukie reflects on "homecoming" to New Jersey

Vera Andrushkiw joins U.S.-Ukraine Foundation as director of Community Partnerships Project
by Olenka Dobczanska

Sunday, October 24 - Sunday, November 14

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 24, 1999, No. 43, Vol. LXVII

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