Sunday, November 21, 1999

Kuchma re-elected by a landslide
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Presidential election results

The Kuchma victory: analysis of a mandate
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Laurence Decore, influential Canadian Ukrainian politician, dies
by Andrij Kudla Wynnyckyj
Toronto Press Bureau

EBRD optimistic about overcoming corruption
by Paul Goble
RFE/RL Newsline

Gore and Kuchma to meet in Washington on December 8


Kuchma's victory: diffusing red threat
Kuchma supporters seek single party
Court rejects election complaints
Lukashenka: Ukraine may join union
Union treaty to be signed November 26?
Hryvnia moves outside trading band
Hryvnia rises after Kuchma victory
Kuchma suggests debt rescheduling
Symonenko warns of economic woes
Wage debts fall in August-September
Kuchma to demand $150B from Russia?
Ukraine reports slower rate of decline
National status given to universities
Accounting Chamber, U.S. sign deal
Ukraine to pay debt with bombers
Ukraine to open new embassies
Kyiv and Rome sign agreement
Private farming on the rise

OSCE issues preliminary statement on presidential runoff in Ukraine

International election observers report voting irregularities, government intrusion
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau


Companies in FSU lose revenues to bribes
Automatic telephones on the rise
NBU and Infineon agree on smart card
Belgians interested in Crimean soda plant
Kuchma approves Malyshev's export activity
Malyshev engine offer rejected by Russia
Textile quotas to EU expected to be boosted
Ukraine sells Variah carrier to Macao
Economic indicators among best in East

Winnipeg residents pitch in to help damaged Oseredok
by Orysia Paszczak Tracz
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

U.S. statement on presidential elections in Ukraine

The Kuchma mandate

Turning the pages back...
November 18, 1995

Re: Class action lawsuit filed by former forced/slave laborers

THE WEEKLY'S READERS RESPOND: Donations support eye project in Ukraine
by Dr. William Selezinka


Compliments on coverage of UOC
A reader's reaction to 'complex answers'
Disappointed with Wynnyckyj's layoff

Exhibit honors artist/scholar Krychevsky
by Marta Baczynsky

Bandura releases bound to be classics


TRAVELOGUE: Luhansk, industrial city off the beaten path
by Susan Enzweiler
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

BOOK REVIEW: Architectural masterpieces in the works of Yuri Khymych
by William Green Miller

Western U.S. Catholics gather in Los Angeles to build lay leadership
by Tanya Klymkowych-Cohee

Parma parish celebrates its 75th anniversary


'International Christmas' features tree from Ukraine
UNWLA activist addresses Connecticut meeting

Friday, November 26 - Friday, December 10
ADVANCE NOTICE: Monday, December 13; Wednesday, December 15

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 21, 1999, No. 47, Vol. LXVII

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