Sunday, December 28, 2003

Rada passes constitutional amendment bill
Opposition vows to "defend the Constitution"

Kyiv Press Bureau

Ukraine's new ambassador to the United States meets with Ukrainian community in New York
by Roma Hadzewycz

It's time for Canada's new prime minister to "right historic wrongs," says MP Mark

Why is the opposition weak in Ukraine?
by Taras Kuzio
RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report


Ukraine, Romania sign visa agreement
Funding sought for fuel reprocessing
Our Ukraine circulates petition
No progress in Gongadze case
Freedom House issues annual report
Probe ordered into fatal bus accident
Kuchma attends Aliyev's funeral

Yulia Tymoshenko visits Canada on invitation of Canadian Friends of Ukraine
by Oksana Zakydalsky

Tymoshenko speaks on single candidate

Quotable notes


Liuboslav Hutsaliuk, Ukrainian-born artist who worked in New York and Paris

Bohuslava Hnatiw, New Jersey artist and art teacher, 80

Bohdan Kolinsky, a sports editor at The Hartford Courant, 49

INTERVIEW: Askold Lozynskyj, president of the Ukrainian World Congress
by Andrew Nynka

It's way past time for redress

Turning the pages back...
December 31, 1997

The real spirit of Christmas

GREETINGS TO THE WEEKLY: Plast Foundation, Selfreliance Association

by Andrew Fedynsky
Pereiaslav - a second chance to apologize


Thanks for story on Bronko Nagurski
Karatnycky offers odd view of oligarchs

Ukrainian Rizdvo - a lunar Christmas
by Orysia Paszczak Tracz

Ukrainian National Choir Kobzar performs on invitation of performing arts council
by Bohdan Knianicky

Kovaliv Awards presented to authors Wira Wowk and Marta Tarnawska
by Dzvinka Martiuk Zacharczuk

Tradition and modernity: architecture of the Ukrainian diaspora and Radoslav Zuk
by Walter Daschko

Book documents Soviet Ukraine's Cold War-era relations with Ukrainian Canadians
by Jars Balan

Harvard symposium revisits Great Famine of 1932-1933
by Yuri Shevchuk

INTERVIEW: Andrea Graziosi speaks about the Famine

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies publicizes new research on Famine
by Bohdan Klid

Nowytski's latest documentary has U.S. premiere in Washington
- Yaro Bihun

Houston Ukrainians decorate tree at Museum of Natural Science

70th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FAMINE-GENOCIDE: Virginians hold commemoration

Ukrainian Americans for Dean Committee is formed

Tuesday, January 6 - Saturday, January 24, 2004

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 28, 2003, No. 52, Vol. LXXI

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