Sunday, December 25, 2005

Yekhanurov returns from Moscow without deal for natural gas supplies
by Yana Sedova
Kyiv Press Bureau

World Bank evaluates Ukraine's economic and fiscal policy in 2005
by Zenon Zawada
Kyiv Press Bureau

"Race for the Rada" series promotes interest in 2006 parliamentary elections
by Tamara Gallo Olexy
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Parties get down to crucial election campaign
by Jan Maksymiuk
RFE/RL Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Report


Gongadze trial starts in Kyiv
Mace honored by Yushchenko
PM: radical reform impossible now
Ukraine begins final pullout from Iraq
Peacekeepers donate wheelchairs
50 servicemen headed for Iraq
Parliament adopts 2006 budget
ADL: Keep restrictions on Ukraine
Yushchenko rules out energy crisis
PM: Kyiv ready for new gas deal
President on industry and gas prices
Factions want higher rent from Russia
Parties approve election lists
Kostenko-Pliusch bloc compiles list
Seven parties in "For Union!" bloc
Kunitsyn election bloc formed
Lazarenko bloc preps for election
Rada rejects two WTO-related bills
Hrytsenko meets with Rumsfeld
Tymoshenko Bloc drafts election list

Ukraine upgraded to "free" status in Freedom House's global survey

U.S. ambassador presents Ukraine with equipment to fight avian influenza
Embassy of the United States

Yushchenko names new ambassador to U.S.

As Gongadze proceedings start, CPJ says much work remains

Quotable notes

Central and East European Coalition for Ukraine's graduation from Jackson-Vanik restrictions
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

OSCE organizes international rule of law conference in Ukraine

Governor appoints Mazurkevich Team Pennsylvania Ambassador

The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund: November 2005


Three UNA districts hold joint organizing meeting at UNA headquarters
by Roma Hadzewycz

UNA creates new position
- The UNA Executive Committee

Ukraine's rating as "free"

Turning the pages back...
December 26, 2004

To Viktor and Yulia, with love: a letter, and advice, from Aesop
by Tammy M. Lynch

by Myron B. Kuropas
Christmas: past, present, future


Ukrainian studies and students
Michael Ignatieff: a left-wing liberal?
Melnitchenkos respond to letter

by Orysia Paszczak Tracz
What's for Sviat Vechir at your house?

NEWS AND VIEWS: Liturgical music: a venerable heritage at risk
by Maria Kulczycky

Shevchenko Society organizes roundtables at AAASS

Ukrainian American Veterans announce design competition
by Mathew Koziak and Protopresbyter Frank Estocin

Ukrainian American Veterans participate in ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery
by Anna Krawczuk

Ukraine's consul general in Toronto promotes reconciliation of World War II veterans
by Oksana Zakydalsky

Zuk piano duo completes two-week concert tour of China
by Andy Jia

Press response to the Zuk Duo

Impressions of the concert tour

Biographies of the artists

Pittsburgh society honors Viktor Yushchenko as Ukrainian of the Year

Saskatchewan UCC awards recognize 'Nation Builders,' community activists

Shevchenko Foundation celebrates opening of new offices in Winnipeg

"Whiskey Priest" by Alexander Motyl is launched at NTSh
by Dr. Orest Popovych

McGill Ukrainian Students Association is reactivated
by Artem Luhovy

Columbia University offers Ukrainian courses in spring 2006

"Spartanky" sorority of Plast meets at Soyuzivka estate
by Lida Chernichenko

Charitable organization focuses on needs of orphans in Odesa
by Bozhena Olshaniwsky

Sunday, December 31 - Saturday, January 21, 2006

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 25, 2005, No. 52, Vol. LXXIII

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