Sunday, April 20, 2003

In state of the nation address, Kuchma promotes his vision of political reform
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Two-day conference in Washington focuses on civil society in Ukraine
by Yaro Bihun
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Opposition leaders criticize president, call for reforms to strengthen democracy
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

St. John's School to remain open
by Myron Martynetz

"Party of power" in crisis in Ukraine
by Taras Kuzio
RFE/RL Newsline


Opposition drops efforts to oust Kuchma
Court clips national deputies' immunity
Azarov: U.S. backs Kyiv's WTO effort
Schroeder backs Ukraine as EU associate
Ukraine, Poland confer on Volyn events
Prosecutors probe media defamation
Government sticks to agricultural policy
Ukraine to assemble Volkswagens
Probe sought in Protsyuk's death in Iraq
Tajikistan and Ukraine sign pact
Ukrainian president visits Kyrgyzstan
Kuchma travels to Uzbekistan
Ukrainian, Turkmen leaders discuss gas
State Property Fund gets new chief
Ukraine, Hungary sign military accord
Widow opposes Sakharov monument

Azarov in D.C. for economic talks
by Yaro Bihun
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

U.S. no longer lists Ukraine as money-laundering concern
Embassy of the United States

Quotable notes

UCCA testimony supports continuing U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine in 2002
by Serhiy Zhykharev
Ukrainian National Information Service

American resource center officially opened in Symferopol

All-Ukrainian Council of Churches seeks U.N. recognition of Famine-Genocide
Religious Information Service of Ukraine

Exhibit of photographs depicts Ukraine through the eyes of a Peace Corp volunteer

Orthodox parish in Georgia blesses cupola of its new church
- Stephen P. Holutiak-Hallick Jr.

Author of book about Gongadze case addresses Detroit-area audience

FOR THE RECORD: Co-sponsors of Great Famine memorial bill


All of Chornobyl's children

Turning the pages back...
April 23, 1978


Set aside the works of darkness, and put on the armament of light

Choose to live as people of hope, offering Christ's peace and love

by Myron B. Kuropas
Kaplan meets Taras Bulba


War against Iraq was unjustified
Why the U.S. fights Saddam's regime
Odesa Philharmonic deserves kudos

by Orysia Paszczak Tracz
Western Canada's "paska bread"

On the current literary and cultural situation in Ukraine: discussion between Volodymyr Tsybulko and Yuriy Tarnawsky

CCRF launches campaign in Ukraine to reduce mortality from cardiac defects

Missionary movement finds receptive audience in Ukraine
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Kyiv's bazaars offer variety, atmosphere, a way of life
by Andrew Nynka

Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus announces 85th anniversary concert tour of Europe

Pianist Roman Rudnytsky off on another world tour

Saturday, April 26 - Sunday, May 4
ADVANCE NOTICE: Saturday, May 17; Sunday, May 18

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 20, 2003, No. 16, Vol. LXXI

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