Sunday, June 12, 2005

Tycoon seeks compromise over control of Kryvorizhstal
by Olga Nuzhinskaya
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Yanukovych appears for questioning by police, accuses administration of political persecution
by Olga Nuzhinskaya
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Ukrainian National Women's League of America holds 27th convention
by Tamara Stadnychenko


Russia asks the Council of Europe to investigate 'repression' in Ukraine
by Taras Kuzio
Eurasia Daily Monitor

Kyiv's plan for Transdniester elicits a mixed reception
by Jan Maksymiuk
RFE/RL Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Report


Gas price for Ukraine may triple
Gazprom, Kyiv agree on new gas price
Gazprom takes tough stand with Kyiv ...
... as politicians launch verbal assault
Satsiuk placed on wanted list
Former SBU chief implicated in arms deal
UOC-KP patriarch visits Donetsk
Landslide reported at Pecherska Lavra
Nearly 200 privatizations are contested
EU asked to help on Transdniester border
U.S. delegation visits Ukraine

NEWS ANALYSIS: Former security chief reveals details about violence during election campaign
by Taras Kuzio
Eurasia Daily Monitor

Tymoshenko says government has taken full control of Kryvorizhstal
- Olga Nuzhinskaya

Kuzio delivers Palij memorial lecture at University of Kansas
by Jennie Dienes

FOR THE RECORD: Report on trafficking in persons

Lviv mayor protests 'insubordinate judges'
by Zenon Zawada
Kyiv Press Bureau

Ukrainian Orthodox center is site of re-enactment of historic battle of 1777
by Hieromonk Daniel

Modern-day slavery

Turning the pages back...
June 18, 1989

Illinois UCCA holds annual meeting, hopes to heal rift within community
by Orest Baranyk and Maria Shcherbyuk

by Andrew Fedynsky
Apologies and forgiveness

Ukrainian government's reform plans need more support and control from below
by Olexiy Haran


Why don't we have more married clergy?
Re: Michael Terech and Zawada's reports
Zvarych "issue" is over 30 years old
Why do we ignore the KGB Lounge?
Beware of signs of parish's closing
The Weekly offers forum for discussion

FOR THE RECORD: U.S. energy secretary's remarks in Kyiv

Columbia University is site of forum on Ukraine's economic prospects
by Margarita Mesonzhnik

Ukrainian American author's account of a year in a U.S. criminal courthouse

UNWLA presents awards to nine Young Women Achievers
by Tamara Stadnychenko

La Salle University holds international conference on Pope John Paul II and Ukraine
by Nicholas Rudnytzky

New poetry by Vasyl Makhno, New Yorker formerly of Ukraine's Ternopil region
by Ika Koznarska Casanova

Translator's note on the poetry of Vasyl Makhno
by Michael M. Naydan

Collection of poems highlights experiences in Ukraine, Lithuania

Poetry International Web features poets from Ukraine

Concert by Cerberus Piano Trio is last of Cultural Fund's season
by Yaro Bihun
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

A concert-goer's thoughts on purchasing performers' music
- Yaro Bihun

Folk art book wins first prize at Lviv fair

Georgia Branch of UCCA holds first annual meeting
by Ulana Bodnar

Montreal and Kyiv to begin high school exchange program

U.S.-Ukraine Foundation announces Youth Leadership Program in Ukraine

Receives master of laws degree
by Judge Bohdan A. Futey

For The Next Generation

World traveler Magister Mykhailo visits America
by Ivanka Bihun

Whippany SUM members prepare Easter baskets
by Daniel Odomirok, Victoria Mosuriak, Tim Gbur and Bohdon Woch

School choir has once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: to perform for president of Ukraine
by Alexandra Savoia

Fairs present great opportunity for budding young scientists
by Mariana Perepitchka


Friday, June 17 - Saturday, June 18

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 12, 2005, No. 24, Vol. LXXIII

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