Sunday, June 23, 1996

Deputies make little progress in adopting constitution
by Marta Kolomayets

Cabinet shake-up in Ukraine continues
by Marta Kolomayets

Elections in Russia portend tough times for Ukraine
by Marta Kolomayets

Kyiv to build memorial for Orthodox patriarch

Ukraine's ambassador reacts to reports of Libyan connection
by Yaro Bihun

Shcherbak's letter to The Washington Times


Ukraine restores Soviet-era border zone
Grachev, "power" officials sacked
Chornobyl out of fuel money
Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine sign friendship treaty
Ukraine to receive more credits

INTERVIEW: Kyiv newspaper editor on Shmarov, Kosakivsky

Mediation group to offer conflict resolution services
by Matt London

Embassy urges Ukrainian Americans to unite in marking independence anniversary
by Yaro Bihun

Stamford's Ukrainian Catholic bishop marks 25th anniversary
by Msgr. John Terlecky

Ukrainian American youth in Olympic Torch relay
by Nicholas Medvid

Orthodox Church hierarchs to discuss mission, challenges

OBITUARY: Myroslaw Chrin, 49, Detroit area activist
by Jaroslav Berezowsky


70 years of service

Turning the pages back...
June 24, 1880

UCCLA hits another snag with Spirit Lake memorial
by Christopher Guly

A Chornobyl solidarity call

by Myron B. Kuropas
In Ukraine, little changes mean a lot

Monumental Hrushevsky project seen as invaluable to scholars

George Washington University announces Ukrainian endowment

Canadian nursing professionals help update Ukraine's health care

Engineer's project sends technical books to Ukraine

Canada's new rising star: Winnipeg-born Tamara Gorski
by Christopher Guly

Radoslav Zuk participates in architecture symposium

University of Alberta hosts folklore conference
by B. Cherwick and A. Makar

DATELINE NEW YORK: Ballet and TV pluses
by Helen Smindak

A Butovych retrospective
Life in the Carpathians
Television tidbits

Catholic War Veterans post celebrates 50th anniversary

Philadelphia's Ukrainian center burns its second mortgage
by Petrusia Sawchak

by Ihor Stelmach

Eddie Olczyk's successful return
Hrudey: last of the Kings?
Hawerchuk has green light in Philly

Friday, June 28 - Sunday, July 14

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 23, 1996, No. 25, Vol. LXIV

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