Sunday, December 27, 1981

U.S. Helsinki Commission condemns military regime in Poland

Law and Order Committee reports on community meeting

Solidarity supporters urge U.S. to impose embargo on Poland

National aspirations and the Kiev group
by Nadia Svitlychna

Kiev authorities seek informers
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

Yosyf Terelia released

Czech dissidents warned

Host city readies for UNA conclave

Pope creates Ruthenian diocese

90th of patriarch to be celebrated

Mstyslav visits Australia

"Peace on Earth"

UNA, UFA reps discuss merger

Ukrainian Homestead building burns

Economics and Poland

Letters to the editor

Famine study
Mixed marriages
Ethnic origin

Iwachniuk Fund offers scholarships

Lydia Savoyka to be interviewed

by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj

The humor column
by Roman Juzeniw

1981: an overview

Edward Kozak chosen art competition winner

Kochman work appears on cover

10 income tax tips

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

To err is human

by Ihor N. Stelmach

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 27, 1981, No. 52, Vol. LXXXVIII

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