Sunday, December 28, 1980

Svitliana Kyrychenko sentenced to three months' forced labor

Helsinki Watch Committee commends U.S. delegation to Madrid Conference

Liberation Front protests Soviet repression, Helsinki act

Negotiations on UCCA begin

Sakharov speaks out on repression, detente

Pochayiv residents draw attention to violations of religious rights

Voinovich leaves after authorities return confiscated papers

Back in the USSR
Militiamen break up Lennon demonstration

Bell delivers statement on Human Rights Day

Philly Committee suggests greetings be sent to Walter Polovchak

ODFFU meets at triennial convention, elects board headed by Futala

Women's association holds convention, elects Ulana Celewych president

USCAK holds annual meeting

Olga Petrinczyk, Weekly typesetter

The UCCA's 13th: congress or circus
by Andrij Shevchenko

1981 UNA Almanac comes off presses

1980: the wheat and the chaff

Family stability is growing concern
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

News quiz

Shestack: human rights are 'indivisible part of Helsinki process'

Letter to the editor
Ukrainian language necessary

1980: an overview

First Ukrainian church on Long Island marks 50th anniversary
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Wednesday, December 31 - Tuesday, January 6

Ukrainian Opera presents show at Suffolk high school
by Laryssa Lauret

Nowytski film receives award

St. Basil's Ukrainian Club celebrates 11th year

St. George girls are Manhattan volleyball champs

Manor schedules course registration

Ukrainian university announces courses

Receives award for embroidery

Teenagers research a method to extract oil from tarsands

Slavonic club founded

Ukrainian decorated by Air Force

Palijczuk promoted to professor

Marine corporal receives award

Philly Ukrainian honored

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 28, 1980, No. 31, Vol. LXXXVII